prx lost jinggg
drx still has termi (will troll agents and maps)
t1 is a new team
and all other teams will be midπ€
y does our region not want to win a fuckin major
T1 made the biggest upgrades they could, im sad as a carpe fanboy but it is what it is. hopefully he grows there.
RRQ looking good, they are cooking.
PRX got monyet, which isn't a jinggg replacement because no one else could be. but he is a top tier player and they can reach new peaks.
DRX has termii sadly, but he is (very sadly) the best korean option for a coach unless u import potter and she re learns korean.
BLEED yay. thats all im gonna say.
god i wish juicy was still in, that guy was so cracked :(((
but yeah, why the fuck do people doubt BLEED? crazyguy is an insane fragging igl, and his calling has been great, sscary top 3 controller itw, EGOIST was gonna go to PRX and alecks is very good at scouting, and yay as a juicy replacement? jesus, they gonna do some damage.
i think its very possible they gonna upset PRX/DRX and they gonna compete with t1 who are also cooking.
also the main thing about t1, is that they made A LOT of upgrades, and very good ones. so smoking 23' t1 isnt the same as 24' t1.
Yeah if Juicy was allowed in it would have been a even more crazier roster. T1's problem for me are them not having a real great Igl and their midrounding being somewhat lackluster at certain moments at Champs and Tokyo, this really put my expectations lower for them. Aside from that the upgrades are really good tho on paper and Xccurate should be able to bring in some experience, if they fix the igling issue they could and should compete for top 3 in APAC. I also somewhat expect RRQ to be a real dark horse tho for this next year, Jemkin and Estrella are some real great upgrades over the old players they had, their coaching and adjustments throughout the season also were superb, I am kinda excited to see what Ewok is gonna bring out with this improved RRQ.
Even if you are assess matchups, you are probably being wrong. Teams like Jadeite and Mith had been romured throughout the year that they had been destroying tier 1 teams in scrims and both of those orgs didn't even make it to Ascension, you are very presumptuous in claiming Ascension and tier2 in APAC was bad and believing they wouldn't be able to compete in tier1.
You are saying this as if Scarz, DK and Boom wouldn't have been able to beat teams like T1, GenG, Zeta, TS and RRQ. APAC only had two great teams throughout this year in tier1 with DRX and PRX, the others looked very unfinished, inconsistent rough and lacked achievements in the internationals. This next year should be just more competitive in general and Bleed is not bad at all, just because you think Ascension wasn't good in Apac, for my part I do believe that the old roster of Scarz and Bleed would have been able to make the rest of APAC tier 1 sweat aside from the top 2 . They have some real potential and have great staff that can make it work.
More competitive in Pacific this year? Yes, I agree because PRX is worse than last year and many of the other teams are better. But PRX being worse than last year means that Pacific has even less of a chance to win a major. I'm not trying to say any team specifically is bad, but I'm pointing on in this thread that Pacific is in an even worse spot than last year.
I don't get how PRX is that much worse when they have insane enough time to adjust and prepare with Monyet who also had unbelievable stats and a debatable better apac season individually than Jinggg. He isn't Jinggg and Nobody is and plays like him, he probably won't pull out rounds win out of nowhere like him. But it is also not like you are giving him even the chance to showcase the skill he has and the potential he brings to the team. He has a way bigger agent pool than Jinggg, he doesn't overheat as much as him but he is an incredible smart and good player that could change and benifit the gameplay style for PRX in the long term. They will be able to flex more crazy agents comps and could profit of Monyet not doing the same mistakes as Jinggg does against eco rounds.