UPDATE: This article has been updated to reflect the free agency of Quick and mazin .

Gabriel "Quick" Lima, Douglas "dgzin" Silva, and Matheus "mazin" Araújo are all free agents. Both players are now unrestricted free agents and open to offers.

Quick is one of the only two original FURIA members, alongside Khalil "Khalil" Schmidt. He was one of the leading men in FURIA's 2021 campaign alongside Mazin — who joined in May — and which culminated in a top 16 Champions placement. Quick was kept on the team throughout 2022 mainly as a duelist, but moved to a more flex role once dgzin joined the squad. Mazin maintained his role as a flex player, usually opting to play initiators.

dgzin signed with FURIA just days before the 2022 South American LCQ, when he replaced Rinaldo "ableJ" Moda. FURIA placed second at that event, above every Brazilian team and second only to KRÜ Esports KRÜ Esports Latin America South Rank #2 keznit Angelo Mori Mazino Roberto Rivas adverso Benjamín Poblete Shyy Fabian Usnayo Melser Marco Eliot Machuca Amaro , and qualified to Champions. A few weeks later, FURIA exited Champions in the top 16 for the second consecutive year.

Quick, Carlao and dgzin at VCT Americas backstage FURIA's 2024 rebuild is well underway. (Photo by Stefan Wisnoski/Riot Games)

FURIA made some changes to the roster once the organization was selected as VCT Partners, but kept these three on the starting roster for the 2023. At LOCK//IN, FURIA again exited in the top 16, but the team struggled to make waves in the VCT Americas.

The roster managed to place fifth in the regular season and reach the playoffs, which they kicked off with a 2-1 win to LEVIATÁN LEVIATÁN Latin America South Rank #1 Demon1 Max Mazanov tex Ian Botsch Rossy Daniel Abedrabbo kiNgg Francisco Aravena C0M Corbin Lee . Two losses — 2-0 to LOUD LOUD Brazil Rank #1 dgzin Douglas Silva v1nny Vínicius Gonçalves pANcada Bryan Luna tuyz Arthur Andrade cauanzin Cauan Pereira and NRG Esports NRG Esports North America Rank #2 FiNESSE Pujan Mehta s0m Sam Oh brawk Brock Somerhalder mada Adam Pampuch Ethan Ethan Arnold , respectively, the two finalists — followed that first victory, spelling FURIA's elimination in the top six.

FURIA played with Vitor "kon4n" Hugo in place of Quick in the Americas LCQ, as the latter had been dealing with health issues according to The Enemy. FURIA mirrored their top-six placement in the Americas LCQ two months later, as KRÜ eliminated them with a 2-1 win in the quarterfinals.

Losing these three players means the team now has just three members and is still coachless. On Aug. 23, FURIA and coach Carlos "Carlao" Mohn split after nearly three years together. Carlao had overseen all of FURIA's operations since the team first hired a Valorant roster.

FURIA FURIA Brazil Rank #6 heat Olavo Marcelo raafa Rafael Lima mwzera Leonardo Serrati havoc Ilan Eloy Khalil Khalil Schmidt still field: