Flag: Chile
Registered: June 9, 2023
Last post: February 4, 2025 at 10:20 AM
Posts: 90
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As I don't really want to continue the conversation. I will say that we both have different points of view towards toxic conducts.

While you think that racism is a whole other level, I am more inclined to the everybody sucks.

At least we can agree that they both acted like shit in some degree.

posted 2 weeks ago

I have, under no means, excused racism. My words were that both, being racist, and insulting are the same shit, just a human attacking other due to differences.

What I said is that both said shitty things.

How is calling someone fat (which, while I can agree Keznit is fat) better?

Being overweight can be due to different disorders and can cause severe depression to people. Even a relative of mine took his own life due to comments such as the ones said by Dgz's team.

But it is ok to insult them if they attack you with being black? No, you are just getting down to their level.

As I said previously both parts acted like shitty people.

Which is why I do not stand by Keznit, Dgz or the other parts' side that participated in that discussion.

posted 2 weeks ago

Calling someone slow and being racist are the exact same stuff in my opinion.

You are being a shitty person to another human. That's it.

Dgz started the bad mouthing in a scream against Mazino, Keznit called him a bandit, GL's coach started calling Keznit fat. He got mad.

Keznit was an asshole for calling him CJ? Sure. Dgzin and his staff? They too. Grow up.

posted 2 weeks ago

I only meant that in-game the regions are split in BR, North and South LATAM, while IRL the three are one region. Maybe it came out wrong due to how I phrased it.

posted 2 weeks ago

I support teams in the following order:


I mean, MiBR has as many South American players as LEV and BR has historically been SA's training partner.

Our cultures are so similar that BR is, in fact, a part of LATAM, but Riot split the regions.

posted 2 weeks ago

I'm really enjoying watching Dgzin. From a Jett only player to a really solid Jett and Raze

posted 3 weeks ago

He is and he, in fact, has gotten a lot of people talking about him.

The only reasons I didn't include him in the list were:

a. He is underaged for now.
b. I only wanted to mention SOME names. Not all of the Latam talent.

Btw, Latam includes BR, but as I don't really follow their T2 due to the language barrier, I decided to not add them.

posted 1 month ago

If you look at the latam scene, there is quite a bunch of players that match the skill of LEV and KRÜ's player.
We don't need new players, even less NA players. We need the teams to actually look into the scene.

As an example, All Knights went head to head against M80 (lost 2-3 ). Were we have NicoMachine, Cebando and Tinchoff who haven't been in T1. In Fusion, Darker was really named for a while but wasn't taken by any team. Or even Daveeys who, unfortunately, passed away was a really good player but wasn't taken seriously until KRÜ signed him.

posted 1 month ago

Right now, 9z. But as the team disbanded, I should probably change it. Probably to Krü

posted 1 month ago

In Chile we also play Tejo but it is slightly different according to what you described.

In our tejo (also called "rayuela"), we also use metal chunks (tejos) and throw it into a wood frame filled with mud which sounds really similar. However, we don't use the gunpowder targets, we use a thin rope. The closer you are to the rope, the better. If you manage to land right onto the rope, it is called a "quemada" (a burnt) and you get trice the points.

posted 1 month ago

As a Spanish speaker, "Te" is pronounced as in "Tetris" and "Jo" sounds like Santa's laugh (Ho ho ho)

posted 1 month ago

I think that it will be low as he is too new, but will be really increased as the leagues advance

posted 1 month ago

It depends.

Some people despise Lev since 2024 as only 2 out of 5 players were part of South America (3 from Latam if you count Aspas). Now that Aspas and Mazino left and only Kingg remains, I have seen that dislike increased by a bit.

Other people, such as myself, do cheer on Lev as they still have Kingg and their staff is part of our region. I do believe that this is most of the region's way of thinking.

Then again, I do prefer cheering for Krü if they go head to head.

posted 1 month ago

At this point, I just don't care about scrims.

I have heard a lot of times that x-team is destroying everyone in scrims and then just suck during the regular seasom

posted 1 month ago

There are, but they suck.
All have the same character and pose, only changing its color to match the team and EDG's says "Champions"

posted 1 month ago

Leviatán is also a latam team... even if they only have one latam player now

posted 1 month ago

Hope that she (they? [I honestly don't know which pronounces Flor prefers]) doesn't underperform. Making so that GC talents actually matter for some more people.

posted 2 months ago

You know, I always wondered what happened with Jingg.

Before he had to quit PRX for the military, he was really loved by the community. But once that he returned, I had read a lot of hate towards him.

posted 2 months ago


posted 4 months ago

While the team is stacked, the whole sinergy among a team and a group of players that just got together for an event should be an important factor to take into consideration. Which is why a lot of "super teams" have had a lot of lame results.

While the match is just for fun, so SEN won't really play as if it was an official match, one has read enough threads to know that if SEN loses, they will be clowned in VLR.

posted 4 months ago

Yes, they get in. I forgot that TSM is currently at 5/7.

If AK gets 6 rounds, they qualify too, I think.

posted 5 months ago

I think that Liquidpedia also confirmed Galorys being in playoffs.

I am not sure about TSM, even if they beat AK. Due to round difference.

If h2h is more important than rounds, TSM gets in (if they win). If not, probably AK goes in given that before the match, they were

AK: -1
TSM: -25

Map 1: TSM in overtime (+2)
Map 2: AK 13-6 (-7)

AK: +4
TSM: -30 Which would be impossible to overcome, as the max rounds would be a 13-0 (+13)

Edit: I forgot to consider AK -13 rounds if 13-0

AK: -9
TSM: -17

posted 5 months ago

If TSM wins, we will have a 5-way tie break. So I doubt that h2h will really matter.

Reta > Tsm, AK
AK > 2G, Galorys
Galorys > Reta, 2G
2G > Reta, TSM
TSM > Galorys, AK (hypothetically)

posted 5 months ago

If I remember correctly, Galoris is in playoffs due to map difference

posted 5 months ago

That Breach Ult was so unnecesary. IT would have been much more useful in the next non-eco round

posted 5 months ago

As someone who is into speedrunning, thinking that it is only now that games come with lots of bugs/glitches is quite fun.

Games used to receive updates (fewer, but still received them), however if you didn't have the latest version... too bad. For example, in Metroid Fusion, there is a certain unintended interaction that was only patched in the japanese version which was released after the other versions.

posted 6 months ago

Lev is a South American team. Not North American, so I guees that they don't count.

posted 6 months ago

SEN gets 13-8, 13-5: Dominant sweep
Krü gets 13-9, 13-4: Stay alive


posted 6 months ago

Iirc, Ruination and Sentinels of Light are both inspired by LoL.

Also, there is the Arcane Sheriff.

I am not sure if there are other lines inspired by League, tho.

posted 6 months ago

You do know that Klaus is argentinian, right?

posted 6 months ago

While I think that volume would matter the most, while also considerin its population and people who actually play Valorant.

Chile, for example, has 19.6 million people.
USA has 333.3 million.
China has 1.412 billion.

Also, we would have to take into account the number of slots in VCT.

Latam has 2 spots for both, Latam South and Latam North; China has a whole league. Obviously, this also depends on the population. (Then again, India has more people than China, but I guess that not as much people play or watch Valorant, so they don't have their own region).

As such, it is much more probable that a country as China develops more talents due to sheer amount of players than Chile. And why I am quite happy for the amount of chilean players attending champions.

posted 6 months ago

Knowing the BR community, that ship sailed a long time ago. His best shot, imo, is to improve his english and end up playing in EMEA or NA.

posted 7 months ago

I think that G2 is better than LEV. Yet, we still have to wait for today's game.

posted 7 months ago

Man, do I hope that KRÜ entered another winning streak with the previous match against C9

posted 7 months ago

Keznit has stated that he wants to win in a LATAM team. Plus, unfortunately , his English holds him back.

If he leaves KRÜ he would probably end in Tier 2, as I doubt that the other LATAM team (LEV) would pick him. And he is not liked by a part of Brazil.

Edit: Just to clarify: by no means I think that Keznit is bad or isn't good enough for NA teams or other T1.

posted 7 months ago

Fo be fair, Mini decided to step back.

posted 7 months ago

I don't even know how to react

posted 7 months ago

I am gonna go and split some spaghetti in half because of you. It was you who forced me to do it

posted 7 months ago

I actually think that he was. BUT that was because of the whole dynamic that EG had. It allowed him to play Sova in every map. Look at Fracture, for example, he was one of the few people that managed to make him work and get kills with his ult consistently.

I think that his biggest problem is the lack of his previous strats while also playing agents aside from his main (he used to be like an OTP Sova, I can't remember him playing anything else).

Then again Nzr >>>> C0m

posted 7 months ago

Aside from its origin (Manhwa is korean, Manga is japanese), I also would like to point out that a lot of manhwa is written so that it is easier to read vertically, while manga is more horizontally-written.

Like Manhwa is a cascade-like reading, while manga is a book-like reading. At least from what I have read online.

posted 8 months ago

Yes, and?

Obviously a third site forces you to keep attention in mid, which is right out of B. I consider that as a plus.

posted 8 months ago

As someone who stopped playing, my rank is more centered in my opinion as a spectator rather than as a player:

  1. Haven: by far my favorite map due to various comps, different strats, mid is important.
  2. Bind: love that attackers have a fast rotation thanks to TPs
  3. Lotus: a heavily attack-sided map, fun retakes, unlike Haven there are fewer ways into the sites, so the 3 sites feel different. Plus, the comebacks are exciting.
  4. Fracture: I love how fast you can farm ults. It allows a fast paced map that requires coordination.
  5. Split: Kind of a love/hate relationship. It is usually a defense-sided map, but when it is not, attackers dominate it (look at Shanghai, 61% Attack WR)
  6. Sunset: Hey guys, let's go B and hide in main.
  7. Pearl: Read Sunset.
  8. Breeze: I still suffer since they took a map that I loved out of rotation and then murdered it.
  9. Ascent: Always the same comp. The map is too repetitive.
  10. Abyss (haven't watched/played enough, so it will probably change): Feels like Icebox, constant executes and post-plant. Mid doesn't exist.
  11. Icebox: Read Abyss
posted 8 months ago

I must say that I loved the pre-changed Breeze. But after its first time being out of the map pool, I hated it. Bring back my old Breeze, or at least chang it so that it doesn't suck as much as it does nowadays.

posted 8 months ago

I stopped going to the gym due to a leg injury. However, when I did go, I used to do:

Leg 1 --> Arms & Chest --> Rest --> Leg 2 --> Arms & Back --> Rest

Everyday I did cardio (bike or running) for 40 minutes after the routime.

posted 8 months ago

With how I explained it, it did sound off. Mb too

posted 8 months ago

The Relegation I planted meant as a Relegation only for the 2 Ascension teams.

10 fixed teams (iirc, their spot lasts for 4 years who just continue if Riot says so after the 4 years)
2 Ascension teams (one of them looses its spot in VCT annually and fights in Relegation to keep the spot against the tier 2 team)

posted 8 months ago

The Guard did, but then decided to disband the team due to... reasons. Then G2 bought the team as they didn't get a spot in VCT, allegedly due to the Ocelote/Tate incident.

G2 didn't win Ascension, TGRD did.

If Riot wants to keep 10 teams and have a constant flux of 2 Ascension teams, add relegation. Let them fight for their spot.

posted 8 months ago

Or when most of the public left during the Lock//in 2023 finals when they got tired while Loud started to lose...

Brazil sucks as the holder.

posted 8 months ago

I think that people tend to associate him with KRÜ's failure during last year regular season.
Plus, 00Nation reached ascension last year after bringing him and Bezn1 to split 2 (they went 2-5 in split 1 before the changes)

He is a solid player imo.

posted 8 months ago

Saadhak did say before Split 1 that he wouldn't be the one that makes all decisions.
He is the IGL and continues to make suggestions, but now the final decisions are up to the coaching staff. Whom, according to Saadhak where blamed for his mistakes and couldn't perform to the level that was expected from them.

So there has been a lot of changes in the dynamics between coaches and players, while also finding a playstyle that would suit Qck instead of Aspas. All that, plus the lack of practice before the first match against NRG. To me, it is impressive that they could make it to playoffs.

Then again, they did compete against FUR, MiBR and EG.

posted 8 months ago
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