2023 valorant year

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so its coming to the end in AUGUST !!!!!!!!!!
a lot vcl orgs will drop there rosters cause no one will pay a salary when no any events
the worse year for competitve valorant by far
1 francshise split + 2 vcl splits( kinda shit a lot orgs in EMEA scams they are players cause they just have no money) surge + polaris couldnt find a sponsors for lan part
i hope in 2024 we got more events not a game changer event series for half a year
i mean riot could do GC and VCL and VCT at same time not сonsistently
let vcl teams get sponsored from bets


i still dont understand why they rushed it...lcq should have been in august and champs around mid sep


2021 was ideal imo
march masters 1
may masters 2
august masters 3
and champs in december
so next season in 2months enough time to prepare and relax for players


i wasnt around in 2021...was there gc champs in 2021? if not ig riot reserves december for gc champs


in 2021 game changers champs wasnt exist but gc had 3 splits the last one ends in november first start in april


i see


To provide transfer window and off season to relax and practice out of competitive secne and thats very important. People just keep hating the format but if there is no offseason or even shorter offseason you would never see t1 playing t2. Moreover, next year there will be 2 splits for leagues and 2 masters event and thats enough valorant i guess. maybe go and appreciate GC rosters during off season... there are some genuinly good teams on GC side.

according to your suggestion, oct- nov would be off season which is not enough for pre season transfers, as december will mark the begining of 2024 T2 cycle. and so the players that miss the franchise spots can atleast try in t2, which in shorter span wont be possible (assuming you try out a player in scrims for alteast 15 days).


"trial run" as if the game hasn't been out for years and a trial run shouldn't even last entire year. one year is easily enough to damage the esport


also gc remained to have 0 more investment and thus remained completely stagnant

  • The schedule need to be consistent throughout all 3 region (4 for china next year).
  • Leo Faria says some countries may need upto 6 month for VISA (2 split + 2 master will make it difficult this year/players WILL be missing event).
  • Since 6 month visa application, if not ends in august, the signed player would 100% be missing on franchise early on and roster lock WILL screw that team over.
  • 2023 is a schedule testing year, giving teams opportunity at international LAN (lock in), see how roster lock takes effect (TH/KC), see how VISA get in way of international event (something) to give BETTER scheduling for 2 split + 2 master AND giving time how long pre season should be for getting visa for franchise players.

If 2 Split + 2 Master happening this year, I can see players like something miss soo many event + chaotic ascension going to be with teams not actually able to get visa to travel and compete.

Also demon1 able to get visa to Tokyo on time because he’s from a 1st world country. We see current scheduling screw over liquid for Red bull home ground (EMEA), Indian players late to go Korea (pacific) and Leo faria says Brazilian ascension players would need 6 months of visa application to travel to America, so location of americas ascension ended up being in Brazil instead. Scheduling is still an ongoing issue.


The visa thing is crazy to me. It’s literally your job to play this game well so that you can fly out to international events to play on LAN. Why the hell aren’t players immediately applying for a visa as soon as they get signed??


its not a players job, management have to care about this

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