Flag: India
Registered: February 20, 2022
Last post: February 20, 2025 at 5:16 AM
Posts: 126
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Love it. A bit fix here and there can make it perfect,

posted 1 month ago

Maybe new IGL as well. I'm a Boaster fan, but definitely they are upgrading with a fragging IGL
new duelist or paTiTek maybe. Not sure what roles are they looking.

posted 6 months ago

Leo is god player.

posted 10 months ago

Yes i edited my comment,

  • Hide for shanghai probably, They were playing this map in scrims in Jan 2024, so they have preped something. Maybe it's wonderful to hide, or just the shit we are seeing rn.
posted 10 months ago

Seems like so... Either they don't have this map preped, or they are hiding the real comp and don't wanna show everything.

But I don't trust on hiding stuff, last year also they kept 1 map off and it didn't help.

posted 10 months ago

as i said, format was brutal/dogshit. But also NAVI got 2-0ed, Maybe it was a bad day. + they got countered.
So blame NAVI as well.

posted 10 months ago

YESSS, the format was brutal, but totally blaming format is also wrong.... they got 2-0ed so its there fault as well and they deserved the knockout.

  • TH played really good.
posted 10 months ago

Love the stage and environment at the arena.

posted about a year ago

Regarding champ bundle revenue, as far as i know... if bundle generated $20,000,000, then only $10,000,000 is divided among the participating teams. The other half $10,000,000 is RIOT's cut from the revenue. i might be wrong here.

posted about a year ago

Not sure about this, but from what i have heard...

Ascension winning team will get 2 months to find an org, it can go into a bidding war but there is more to it. the possible org that signs the players have to be approved by riot at the first place. moreover, riot would help them find the org, probably the teams that ended up out of top 10 during the initial partnership. (xset, g2 or any other #11,12,13 team). Thus it wont be sold slot and moreoff signing bonus for the players as riot wont be charging any money to partner them and instead pay equvivalent to all other league teams.

In the Guard scenario, it was utter foolishness by the org to sign a team for a year till Ascension, and when the team won, you stop operations and dont sign the requried aggrements. all that while playing with players future. Coming to riots decesion, buying out roster from guard would be sold slot for the IL 2024. hence the decision seems to be fair for the integity of the game. However i feel bad for the players.

The most logical solution was to, ask players to play under the guard name or some generic name "NAA1" and pay the 500k to all the 5 players instead of the org while a small team from riot can manage the communication for next year. Win-Win for everyone.

This way the guard as an org is punished, players are safe guarded, slot selling is out of the picture..

i can be wrong on few points and i dont claim 100% authencity or correctness of any of it. Its from just what i have heard from different sources

posted about a year ago

he was trying to get behind the box dewd

posted about a year ago

From what I heard recently about the less and sacy situation, I don't think they will take sacy back and even sacy wouldn't want to join such team

Ps : not sure if the news about them is real or fake.

posted about a year ago

To provide transfer window and off season to relax and practice out of competitive secne and thats very important. People just keep hating the format but if there is no offseason or even shorter offseason you would never see t1 playing t2. Moreover, next year there will be 2 splits for leagues and 2 masters event and thats enough valorant i guess. maybe go and appreciate GC rosters during off season... there are some genuinly good teams on GC side.

according to your suggestion, oct- nov would be off season which is not enough for pre season transfers, as december will mark the begining of 2024 T2 cycle. and so the players that miss the franchise spots can atleast try in t2, which in shorter span wont be possible (assuming you try out a player in scrims for alteast 15 days).

posted about a year ago

Don't know about map preds but the predictions at the desk with wyatt, babybay and sean was fun to watch.

after map veto : 2-1 KRU- C9

posted about a year ago

yeah i came across that, i admire the hardwork these guys did so would love if they win.

posted about a year ago

coz the number of sub regions are different accross all three leagues, tier 2 can't have same structure accross as travel restriction and regional logistics and envrionments differ. for example pacific, its easy to reach thailand from SEA, SA, Korea, Japan etc and for Americas the number sub region is just 4 i guess so to add more games making event longer and make seeding more logical they had different GS. GS matches were good.

Well if you want to explore more about T2 scenario, i guess theres a interview of Leo faria on platchat or something, and for me his statements did make sense tho i think they have a lot of room to improve. but for first season i loved all the 3 T2 region games.

posted about a year ago

if they dont make the comeback and win today, they'll have to find a new org after this.
its just a joke <3

posted about a year ago

Well don't know how rankings works and yes surely it doesn't represent the reality
but this is just for fun

Current EMEA Rankings: VLR Rankings
#1 Fnatic
#2 Apeks

for the people who don't know much about team apeks.
Apeks: Magnum, Mistic, Enzo, Keiko, shadow (3/5 Ex Fnatic Players)

posted about a year ago

well currently it barely does the job of looking flank; if you dont place it at different places every round

posted about a year ago

the pulse traps similar to what it does now but just giving it more usage.

posted about a year ago

In my opinion, making it detect people that walk by but not stun them and only stun enemies if they make a sound around it, fixes the utility, resulting in a great map control agent.

The wall's health decreased by 200 damage, and by adding a recharge cooldown of 20 seconds after the first wall is down, you can use the wall again in the mid- to late round.

Add vulnerability to the nade and add a right click to place the nade. If you throw a nade, it produces two pulses, and placing it down will result in one pulse.

Decrease the damage required by 100–150, maybe, and add a key combo to tap multiple times from inside the cacoon to breakout.

posted about a year ago

stop hating on casters dude, just enjoy what you have.
Just like players, casters need opportunities to prove themselves. and how would they learn if they dont cast events of T2.

posted about a year ago

why this is so talked?
Maybe because fnatic banned both best maps of EG, and the fact that NA felt its not on even grounds, which is a fair enough argument. but people don't understand that its one extra ban and not 2. the first ban is default. second is reward for winning upper. just need to change the way of thinking.

maybe best solution: Winner gets to bans but with picks inbetween
eg T1 bans map1 - T1 picks - T2 picks - T1 bans - T1 picks - T2 picks - decider
maps for finals with this solution
( Fnc bans pearl
Fnc picks Lotus
EG picks fracture
FNC bans Split
Fnc picks Bind
EG picks ascent
Decider haven

Advantage in upper finals:
well coming to the advantage, i think it makes the upper finals more intersting.
Reason: Consider upper finals have no advantage and if i am about to face a team like fnatic, with odds of fnc 90-10% win-loss. i might think of using same old strats and try my luck, while saving strats for the weaker team (Lower Finals) and then win that, securing top 2 and eventually try to win in a best of 5

maybe my take sound illogical but this is what i think.

posted about a year ago

i agree with that.

posted about a year ago

yes excatly, didnt comment on their policy but more on the modern age wars.

posted about a year ago

you might have different point have here, but ill suggest you to look on new defence updates. the most scary things are the UAV drones. (just for context, a 5 person team of uav fleet can easily take on 5000-10000 soldiers if they dont have technology to deal with drones.)

As i sayed i think NS is good policy for a country but they need to invest more in technology first.

posted about a year ago

Well, i will think more on the basis of war in the modern era. The wars that takes place from now on, will barely fought by humans until the 2nd or even 3rd strike and more so on the invading part. Moreover, the first strike will always be from distance like jets, warships, rockets and maybe even nukes and based on singapore location they won't have a army type battle soon.

(i don't criticize SG having NS policy, its good for them, these were just my thoughts on SG and wars.)

posted about a year ago

Ill do you one better, Fnatic won tokyo with a only map pool of 6 (pearl is still a surprise).

posted about a year ago

Well it's an advantage obviously, but it was same for every team. This is so hard talked bcoz Fnc didn't had to play their perma ban and also got to ban enemies best map..

Any best of 5 match, they get 1 ban, so this just an extra ban that every team deserves for winning upper finals.

posted about a year ago

Whatever sport it is... Host, analysts and commentators will have biasness cause at the end of the day they are humans too and would want their country/region to win.

A sweet solution would be to tune into watch party, maybe Tarik is good option. If you want to go neutral sliggy is great option.

posted about a year ago

I'll say if it was not for ethan there, he would have clutched against any team. The experience that Ethan has was good for the round.

posted about a year ago

Won't say about EG split pick but ascent is the map that fnatic barely plays so should have chosen that first.

posted about a year ago

I love that idea, the 2 bans with picks between works i guess

posted about a year ago

Why the hell do you want 7 maps? It's not healthy for viewers or players.

posted about a year ago

Feeling bad for @SamBR, he just got bullied for people misreading his comment. Xd i guess people stopped reading after "abuse odin"

posted about a year ago

Just FYI, if your brain can't process information at time... Com was the first to pick odin lmao

posted about a year ago

Ban system should be there, obviously you won upper finals, you get some benefits

posted about a year ago

Your idea is great

posted about a year ago

and EG has pressure for their cinderalla run to end perfect. everyone is under pressure somehow or the other.

posted about a year ago

About how long would you brag about that one win? Back then, every team was still in the learning phase and SEN was better on that particular day. What about SEN now?

Valorant Champions Tour Stage 2: Masters Reykjavík - 2021

Sen 3-0 Fnatic

Split 14-12
Bind 16-14
Haven 13-11
Super close maps, Fnatic could have won that event too.

Champions Tour 2023: LOCK//IN São Paulo
Fnatic 2-0 Sen
Haven 13-6
Split 13-7
Sen just got destroyed in a revenge matchup, while FNC in 2021, gave tough competition. Thus, your opinion is rejected. Thanks.

And just before you start malding about this, i was a Sen fan back then and still love tenz but not the owner or team structure/management .

posted about a year ago

The main stage has been kept same, while everything else around has changed. i think riot likes this main stage layout so they are sticking to it.

posted about a year ago

Crashies is great player, but LEO tops the list for top 5 sova.
Leo literally had highest shockdart kills during the first half of the year with Fnatic playing half of the rounds than that of 2nd best team in the world played.

if you are not having leo as number 1 in this list, i guess you dont watch esports much.

posted about a year ago

the Masters winner region will have 5 slots at champions and not 4.

EMEA - FNC,TL, FUT (If FNC wins tokyo, top two teams from EMEA LCQ will qualify to champs)
simillary for Americas and Pacific

posted about a year ago

damm your logic bruh, i just feel sad for you.
Get well soon <3

posted about a year ago

if you watch a movie and wonder whats the actress name, what would you call that?
get a life dude, not everyone in the world is like you and stop trying to be cool

posted about a year ago

the girl at the end, is she a content creator or host?

posted about a year ago

cool, sorry was getting across people hating on them.

posted about a year ago

i think cloud 9 will win LCQ

posted about a year ago

That's were role issues start, why not ask him to play other agents and get good at them? That isn't a bad thing to do i guess

posted about a year ago

Oh didn't see him play at Tokyo, my bad they didn't even qualify lmao. Well i guess you'll need 6 slots from NA to make them qualify

Usually i don't Target such comments but lately seeing people hating on Alfa and chronicle, Leo. Why do you guys have such big of an issue or ego. Just accept fnc and their players played way better than ur favourite team. And if the players are good just praise them.

posted about a year ago
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