Askia RGLmeister Murizz frz (need a cracked sova that isn't NTK because fuck NTK)
aint winning shit
better than loud
better than The Fraud
y'all need to find a good IGL on par with Saadhak soon
Askia Raafa Frz Rglm Qck
Askia/Havoc Rafaa sacy pancada jzz
if Sentinels lose this is actually possible and a genuinely terrifying roster, except for maybe Jzz he's always either the best person in the server or hard bottom fragging
bretty gud
yay (speaks a lil port and was on a Brazilian team before) MW sacy pancada King (Dunno if he speaks port but this team would slap)
Sato (duel) Jzz (initiator) Rgl (smokes and igl he was igl before vivo keyd that murizz was the igl) Qck or pancc (sentinel) Shion (Flex)
this team has potential imo