My idea of a new T1 roster Duelist @yay Initiator @Stewie Flex/ second IGL @nitr0 Sentinel @brax1wnl Controller/igl @Vanityxz
5 washed players kkkkkkkkkk
I don't think T1 would relocate back to NA as they already have a korean roster..
and if you meant T1 as in "tier 1" this roster wouldn't even qualify to tier 2 let alone tier 1...
4/5ths of this roster lost to tier 2 teams😹😹
This team with a lot of prac can def get T1 Nitr0 vanity yay all T1 Stew and brax can get into Tier 1 100%
Ah yes because relocating back and forth Across the world is the best thing ever right
washed more washed super washed mega washed ultra washed
You trying to give yay another shit team??
unfortunately yay cannot play a 1v5 :(
this team would get grouped in a knights weekly
all past their primes kkkkkkkkk
Vanity and Yay on the same team LOL
T1 can't move out of Korea...they are locked in Pacific
When I said T1 I meant tier 1
surprised u didn't put wardell in
Retirement home roster