Most brainless jett player i have ever seen..even gtn is better really
dafuq is he doing amk
you say this as if gtn isn't the best player in valorant
gtn holds every single yoru lan record... most kills, most assists, highest ACS... all the yoru records are his. Top 1 world for sure
he is so braindead my god
Haha bro they are playing vs G2..wait until Gambit comes or Acend..Even SMB have potential to shit on Sentinels.. ~feaN
sentinels will win berlin mark my words
I restated a feaN comment
both him and coldamenta just threw first buy round. That was indeed gold2 play
i mean it is hard to appear good in front of the 2 best duelist in the world
Aged ewll
Well that was strong redemption in last 2 rounds
Kelogz just shit on sentinels last rounds kekw
Say that again without a dick in your mouth
aged well time to delete this shameful post