nice bait
There is a guy posting this after every Giants game so I'm just kidding
lets go fit1nho
7ssk7 can’t even play in t2. Fitinho smurfing in t1
Fitinho just aced to win Lotus
my favorite amigo mortadelo tries bait
https://www.vlr.gg/207297/fit1nho-7ssk7 https://www.vlr.gg/203934/gia-woulda-won-against-tl-if https://www.vlr.gg/199902/7ssk7-fit1nho
my favorite amigo MORTADELO found every thread to prove that he is just kidding im convinced
that emote kinda feels humiliating
why, I'm just laughing don't worry man
based fdwc holyyyy
Fit1nho is lucky rn cuz he's playing KCorp
"mortadelo alt account"
/summon Gutssz
sorry, no one is watching emea when there is americas
are you watching Sentiluls vs Fraudia?
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