Holy they're such great support players for C9... Role issues solved POGGERS
mce scouting might actually be the best val assest right now
mCe is the GOAT
MCE Scouting + Sean Gares Time outs are a thing
they did a good job but they did do some mistakes in a few rounds. nothing they cant fix in a few more scrims and vod reveiws.
says the bronze chat
they beating the fraud allegations
Actually not as bad as I expected
RRQ guys are better
Runi and Jake = true americans 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅
mCe scouted all of guard, a bunch of unproven players, now this. I will never underestimate any players this dude finds again
Mce does well finding talent, gotta giving him that. Still not convinced
MCE(and qpert?) GOAT
NA coach really need to do more scouting for unknown players.