Riot should hold an emergency meeting get rid of 5 EMEA teams and 5 APAC teams and make NA and SA two separate league...
OK, ive explained it quite a few times now, but let's look at it like this. imagine NA got 8 or 9 out of the 10 franchising slots for the americas. apart from the guard, can you make 2 or 3 more competitive teams from the remaining players? and if you can, what if the best players on the good teams went to different teams instead? there would be some teams that aren't competitive. this is what happened in EMEA. talent was spread too thin and the best players all went to the best teams, which made the rest of the region weak. APAC wasn't developed enough, which makes americas the strongest region. giving americas more slots would turn the league into a farming league since out of the NA, BR and LATAM ascension players, only one more competitive and fairly strong team can be formed.
also you could get better F/A players on "Mad lions" or "break thru" and they could still be cracked af because of the players on teams like oxg ss faze tsm disguised and even some teams of tier 2 like soniqs city boys kitten shelter mochi fanclub and more, also there is a lot of players who arent old enough to compete yet like reduxx and giansanity who is been cracked af on knights recently.