Op/ Jett/ Chamber = Derke, yay, Aspas, Ardis, Buzz, Cryo, Laz
secondary duelist/ raze/ initiator = Zekken, Zyypan, Victor, Alfajer, jingggg, Keznit
Sentinel/ Viper = Nats, Less, Suygetsu, Meddo
pure initiator = Stax, Sacy, Saddakk, Shao, Trent, Crashies, Bcj
Smokes = Mako, Marved, Pancada, SugarZ3ro, mindfreak, Bang
Flex = Asuna, Rb, Jampii, kiNng, d4v41, Chronicle, Sayf
-Probably missed a lot of Sentinel players but honest i probably forgot a lot
-I defined flex as a person who plays like three roles or fills for their team a lot
-felt like separating the initiators into two categories because a lot of teams play two initiators.
-based on performance only and not stuff like igling
-Based on LCQs , Copenhagen, and most recent Champs
- remember none of these players are in order so please no hate :D
edit just realized i mess up the title lmao