Flag: Sweden
Registered: August 9, 2020
Last post: October 10, 2024 at 8:38 PM
Posts: 45

it would require a certain amount of intelligence to be able to deduct that public perception and rumors do not equal to absolute truths.
any athlete in any sport has an ego, and if you feel intimidated and insecure about your peers being warriors then maybe you're not cut out for the job after all. this is not to throw shade at any other player, its more that the community should be critical of these rumors and information so that we can push boundaries in terms of the minimum standard and expectations of players rather than settling for PR friendly corporate bullshit. you're either the 0.01% or you're the 1% that just so happened to network yourself into the big leagues.

posted 4 months ago


posted 10 months ago

my smurf account is babysasuke

posted 10 months ago

dasnerth clears

posted about a year ago

no ur the goat

posted about a year ago

i dont want to igl. i said in the future. all printer no fax

posted about a year ago

I feel like if people actually listened to what I said you wouldn't make baseless assumptions like the fact that we had clashes of styles when we were playing under the style that the coach and IGL wanted throughout the whole season.

Moreover, I said in the FUTURE I would like to transition into an IGL role but it will take a few years.

Y'all just spit things out of your ass and make judgements about my character without knowing the slightest detail, it's hurtful to say the least. The same thing applies for broadcast people and others who make me and Redgar seem like enemies when that's just the narrative you lot have painted for yourselves.

If you heard half of the things that are done in esports you'd have your jaw dropped, but hear one player be transparent about how they can improve as a team and you'll have an army of people calling you out to be egotistical and a narcassict. That's the reality we live in sadly. You guys better keep believing the image people paint infront of your face because 95% of the time that's not the person you'll see behind closed doors, atleast I don't put up an act.

posted about a year ago

I was 2. Why you tryina fraud me like that my G

posted about a year ago

Ok to get this straight: I asked why gum is allowed but not white pouches, I was told that they had already talked about this once before (for some petty reason). I accepted the fact that we weren't allowed to use them and as I was walking to get on stage again he says do you have any in your pocket, I say no. He says do you have any in your mouth I say no and ask if he wants me to show him, which he accepts. He then says if you have snus you get disqualified, no discussion. Angel stood next to me, heard the same convo, got asked if he had snus in, said no, walked on stage.

The fact that you can't use snus, which is essentially gum (I mean legit just google white snus & chewing gum they look the same) is so fucking weird to me. Because in the domestic league there wasn't even a discussion about it, we could meet each other halfway.

I'll be honest and say, any addiction is hard to walk away from and it gives physical and mental repercussions when you are forced to stop out of the blue. Just my two cents. This is wack.

posted about a year ago

ye like when the team is in the lead sayf is not playing its his little brother

posted about a year ago

finally someone understands im flex not chamber main plz god bless ur soul

posted about 2 years ago

Im personally supporting the Swedish players

posted about 2 years ago

wdym salary?
i get paid by headshot, 10 dollars per headshot and 50 dollars for a clutch.
why do u think i keep baiting for stats?

posted about 2 years ago

you forgot bonkar

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

bro u can see PL at the end of the name his ign is ACE g0ldenb0yPL rn

posted about 2 years ago

If you guys do your research you will understand it better. They aren't literally shutting down the internet.

👋🏻 Senior SW Eng here. The translated version of this reass more like they are merely working to ensure they have control of all domains and websites related to public resources - i.e. get everything off AWS and onto russian hosting; remove all JS from non-russian sources etc

This document ONLY applies to government websites (public services and such), so that they don't get flicked off in case of any sanctions

posted about 2 years ago

Hi Ricky, some VCT players are from Russia & Ukraine. We are holding off until we know more about the ongoing crisis.

posted about 3 years ago

bro we paid cned not to come to scrims KEKW

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

how long do we have to wait? i think ill go make myself some kebab brb

posted about 3 years ago

juliano would fit in any t1-t2 team

posted about 3 years ago

im here for the guild sucks threads

posted about 3 years ago

Demon Slayer

posted about 3 years ago

ye but always getting flamed

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

There are 4 spots buddy.

posted about 3 years ago

i think our logo is good but urs is good too so i mean +rep

posted about 3 years ago

Dear VLR users, it has come to my attention that this website requires proper education in the A B C's.
Please, help us educate the community by writing the alphabet letter by letter.

I will start.


posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

Just want to comment here.

There is no need for roster changes when organisations are in it for the long run. Sure, a lot of tier one teams were beaten by talents. But don't forget that these teams all have results to back up their skill. In the future, when top teams have time to develop to opponents that are rather unpredictable, we'll see a lot better results.

With that being said, there's nothing wrong with the roster of Liquid, G2 or Fnatic.

Starting with G2:

They're a top team that had an amazing run in almost every tournament that has ever been held thus far, their potential to achieve greatness is unlimited thanks to the skill of the players.


Sure, benching your IGL and signing a CS player that has barley had any time to adjust to the VALORANT environment is rather questionable. But the way I see it, if you give Jamppi two months to get used to the style and feel of the game and if he really wants to put in the effort Liquid will reign supreme once again.


They have amazing results against top teams, good tournament finishes and most of all they're PUTTING IN THE WORK.

To summarize, these organisations couldn't give a single crap if the teams qualified or not. From a company prespective, they like to see things long-term. They believe that the players that they've signed have the potential to improve to such an extent that they will infact be a top contendor. And ALL these teams have the potential, it's just up to them to put in the work.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 4 years ago

Parts of this report are inaccurate.

posted about 4 years ago

Wonderful Viper change, can't wait to try it out.

posted about 4 years ago

That's how most group stages are played, people still have a chance in the lower round. As teams are informed of their matchup before hand they get plenty of time to readjust and prepare for the game. I don't think BO1's reflect how skilled a team is, but that doesn't mean the group format is flawed.

posted about 4 years ago

Beautiful people, best of luck.

posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago


posted about 4 years ago