Bro, I played against chovy, shovy, whatever the fuck his name is. Dude
this guy is ill. So I beat him obviously I beat that fucking bastard. He
is so easy to play against because... I play against him Sion mid.
Dude, I think this guy has an illness. No,no,no he will not sack waves
ever like to the point where he is negatively impacting his team. For
instance, he could have won a teamfight. Would he have died yes but he
would have got like a 4 man shurima shiffle, actually he would have. It
would have been nuts. But if he did the play, he would have died, his
team would have won, and he wouldn't be able to farm midlane. So he just
didn't go to it or try it. I was like wtf. I would push a side wave and
I was like wait a minute I bet he tps here and not miss the wave and he
tps so I was like okay how about this so I slow pushed a 3 stack wave
toplane, I had Oner on my team, and we dove him because we knew he would
be there even though everybody else on my team -his team was fighting
botside, Bro so easy oh my god