on PRX VS TGRD I vaguely remember TenZ said something like the role jinggg has on the PRX is the star player role, getting trade from your entry. While f0rsaken role is entry fragger. He said as entry fragger it is hard to consistently get kills every time you entry, most of the time you'll die while entrying. So I think that's why Jinggg mostly got the spotlight.
it's hard to get the full vod of the commentary though, so I can't know what exactly TenZ did said
Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL Thailand team no money LUL