IF U didnt no Sententienls Is #1 Team In North America And TSM Is Like Last Lol. So I Belive That Tsm Lose To SEN
zacklikethat123? more like you'reatwat456. EZ for Subroza #MAYBECOPIUM #TSMWIN
I'm loosing faith in humanity day by day
tsm is now at a point like even if they win berlin everyone would still doubt them
Im starting to think that we could win Champions and ppl would still say that we suck
hes obviously saying that to piss tsm fans off but sentinels would be tsm either way
we can't win champions xD
delete your account
he's gotta be an ai
ai= an idiot
guys help me ratio this fool
RATIO BY SEXY ZOMBS BRO https://www.google.com/search?q=ZOMBS&sxsrf=ALeKk03wz7FQ1O5HjpdfHVDSS0fAKA6saA:1628119271072&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiy7bb2wJjyAhWwVN8KHZ2yAqoQ_AUoAnoECAEQBA&biw=1920&bih=969#imgrc=PBIjDfoaoYxFiM
suck ur mum fam ur trash and learn english .also dont forget that ur hardstuck silver ok?
i woudl agree
what happened to flair
shopify rebellion are the best team in the world rn so i'm flairing them.
fan SQ fan
tanaka and nishinoya praying to lord buddha emoji
ratio + how old are u
6 based off of his grammar
I think he's a 10yr old lmao
"will lost" RIP