G2 NA?
IF G2 Wanna ball out
Valyn IGL(in this hypothetical he'd move to a Dephh type role playing kayo/breach which he's said in the past he wants to play)
If Dicey and Trent are stuck in their contracts/wanna stay with their teams i'd go with any of the high T2 guys like Penny Will Koala tex or Bdog(prob best option) for awper and BcJ for initiator but honestly him and trent are interchangeable.
If Valyn isn't possible then I'd go for poised or johnqt who play that same role or have valyn move to smokes and pick up an initiator player like jonahp, eeiu, ethan or a sentinel like wippie or dapr instead of marved.
That's better than any possible EU T2 team and would be pretty much a lock for franchising in 2023.
He's not just some online jerk, he has a large sphere of influence (esp young men) who he is teaching to systematically act sexist towards women and harass + act abusively towards them.
A similar example would be if a famous influencer started acting anti-semitic and started promoting to their audience to behave evil towards Jewish people, they would also be banned and hanging out with them would give you a very negative image.