i've been told by a reporter what (most of) this SEN roster is gonna be
holy fuck, good luck.
if y'all wanna post who you think it's gonna be, ill point you somewhat in the right direction ;)
marved, dephh, zekken, dapr, bdog
zekken, nismo, dephh,marved, tenz
you're getting there
but not yet
nismo better be in, sen will have bald buff.
SEN post malone?
Nearest Airport -c4Lypso +tarik
smooya gotta be there
marved, dephh, zekken, dapr, koalanoob?
they may or may not have picked up marved or a different smokes player
baby grill, please tell me via dms or whatever before I commit several acts of whatever
marved dephh zekken dapr bdog
shaz dapr tenz sick supamen
Valyn/zander Zekken Tenz Dapr Trent/Bcj
Zekken Dephh Eeiu Dapr Nismo
O you know tell a brother rq
tenz tenz tenz tenz tenz
OneZ TwoZ ThreeZ FourZ FiveZ
don't forget SixZ
. TenZ . Marved . Zekken . Dephh . dapr
not really
Shazham Steel Curry Russ Yacine
bro even if you trolling, putting Shaz n Steel together doesn't even work in the trolling way.
tenz marved zekken dephh dapr/trent
Tenz Dapr Sick Trent Valyn
not even close
Where would you rank the NA rosters Rickyindian? 1.C9 then what...
im going to be honest, i think the C9 roster is a BIT overrated and people are underrating how good this NRG roster is
also, this SEN roster will take a bit of time to get to the top, but they sure will.
Ok ty... never the less its going to be fun to watch.
Then it has to be Tenz Dapr Marved Deph Zekken
dicey marved/supamen zekken dephh dapr
No Tenz Add Sick
Dephh Zekken Tenz BcJ Marved
Dapr as 6th Sick as 7th
not even trolling
not there yet
New SEN Roster. Dephh Eeiu Ethan Zekken Nismo
that's just wedid's tweet lol
Sick, Dapr, Tenz, Shahz and Marved?
marved, dephh, zekken, dapr, tenz
(also good bait 8/8)
nah you're not there yet
marved, zekken, tenz, dapr, sh-sh-shahz ?
i wish
marved, sick, dapr, tenz, dephh? which one was closest?
the one that starts with a D
they all start with marved?
OR zekken, tenz, nismo, dapr (igl), and aproto
zekken, dephh, tenz, aproto/nismo, dapr?
OR zekken, tenz, nismo, dapr (igl), and aproto?????
dapr isn't gonna IGL
A mash up of XSET and Ghost w/ Tenz?
Zekken , Dephh , Nismo , Aproto , TenZ w/ BCJ?
thats what im kinda thinkin, but isnt dapr confirmed to be staying by leorge?
I honestly don't think Marved will be on the roster... Id be very happy but I don't think itll happen
this is the worst post lmao. hes got no idea
SEN will announce it sometime this weekend
not sure when weorge will announce, but be excited.
Ricky is this troll or are you fr this time?
true. probably tomorrow or after LOUD showmatch.
no shot we get news tomm
Dephh, Zekken, Dapr, TenZ, Moose
reply bug
really would like to see a complete clean slate, but they're supposed to be keeping dapr so :/
George kept saying that before the coaching staff was even assembled
dapr nukkye tenz dephh marved
dephh zekken dapr tenz supamen
Tenz dapr Marved Bcj Zekken
bonkar ANGE1 russ yacine curry FNS