@ ur favourite LFT pro on twitter and let them know!!
a glimpse of light for OCE
big chance for OCE players
no nationality restriction? interestingđŸ‘€
DNG maxie DNG pyth
are they gonna stay in apac?
afaik they're already back in sweden
hell nah. I actually prefer them to do full japanese roster
kidding kidding
full japanese roster is a zeta thing. I think theyll have maybe some from kr or even apac
yeah, saw that honestly a massive respect for detonation gaming
the might build pacific superteam
They might run 3 jp+2kr like their league team
Oce players...
im iron and imma try to apply wish me luck
good luck!
hoping they pick up at least 1 oce player
pickup hk/cn boys lets goo
They will never pick cn players Lil bro
If they pick up a single oce player i will rep them forever