Dephh, zellsis/zekken, supamen/marved to sen. As much i hate to say it, there are definitely better igls than shahz and dephh is one of them. (Idk about marved bc idk if the marved tenz beef is still kinda there)
I mean yeah thats always a possibility but its not like sen currents players are completely dogshit. Like tenz and dapr (from lcq) put strong showings in NA and with chamber nerfs I can see dapr strive.
honestly keeping the core of TenZ Sick Dapr wouldn't even be a horrible idea they're all really good friends and they're also great at the game so wouldn't mind seeing them stay on the active roster
i personally think he did have a good lcq though sometimes he didn't play well! but flyuh, and poised are also pretty decent, but i think they should maybe be like near the upper part of t2 but not franchise worthy right now!! but that's just my personal opinion!
aproto would actually fit well, imo hes very underrated!! like you said bang energy drink, and marvel would be really hard to get! but there are tons smokers/vapers that are FA/T2 scene that are franchise worthy!
yeah ur still right wupamen is deffo deserving he deserves it!! i really loved watching him on faze! along with the rest of their roster! its also nice to see i can have a casual conversation too on!
Basically marved said he would bang kyedae (tenza gf) at lan and she would be someone to cheat on him. This was a year ago and i think marved apologized as well
yeah ban is probably going to play with t1 in apac but aproto is super underrated, literally looks like yay playing controller, also he has the best stats ive ever seen 150 adr and 90% kast with viper is crazy, moose is also another insane smokes player i want to see
IMO i think hes overrated, many people talk about him being a top 10 player but i dont think so, his stats are pretty meh and he only plays jett and chamber
and being 19 in todays time is nothing special since theres player who are not even 16 yet and are destroying in those non-riot tournaments
zeldris is so good and I never see him get his credit, probally won't get signed to a t1 cause 5 spots but that man will solo his way through ascension mark my words