Flag: Israel
Registered: March 16, 2022
Last post: January 14, 2024 at 7:03 PM
Posts: 1370
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crazy he isn’t on the Ludwig tourney

posted about a year ago

thank you and I stand with you. we can make a difference if we just speak up.

we stand for the purity of the VLR community to build a better game and community than the toxic CS community who only cares about content and being bullies.

vlr supports equality and diverse opinions.

clearly shroud, Tarik and stewie2k only cared about twitch subs and views and laughing to the bank.

if you care about equality in the world, stand up.

posted about a year ago

this is why every other game is mocking our community bc of responses like the ones above and not taking it serious.

bunch of sheep and useless dookieheads.

same people who think ranked is the best way to find the best players. abolish ranks and the best will survive.

just a shame. what da eFf?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

hopefully this thread is removed under the violence criteria. If not why have forum rules?

posted about a year ago

just sad to see the Tarik’s/Shrouds/stewie2k of the world even play Counter Sh!t 2 and the community still supports in subs and views

they used the community and the community still provides them financial support. where is the loyalty to the game?

this is about what’s right and what community stands up for equality and fairness vs immature behavior.


posted about a year ago

sinatraa = best NA duelist
zombs = best NA controller

why is this so hard?

posted about a year ago

wardell is the best op in NA and $150 is a bargain..

posted about a year ago

Top 25 player in Valorant history.

truly was a trailblazer and changed the game as we know it

sad day

posted about a year ago

thank you! let’s abolish the ranks!!!!

let’s also abolish the sub feature on twitch.

posted about a year ago

understand disagreements and appreciate your comment.

posted about a year ago

all diamonds could play with radiant if they were allowed.

we need equality

posted about a year ago

it’s just time for riot to remove ranks.
ranks don’t allow lower rank players to prove themselves
eSports is about open competition.
ranks are no different than modern day oppression.

riot do what’s right and remove ranks and allow the best to win.

90% of the players are of the same skill set but get stuck in ranks just for marketing purposes

posted about a year ago

can I send you all my direct messages I’ve received in my vlr inbox from anti Israel people? ive already reported them to govt officials but can also send to you

also sinatraa and zombs are top 5 NA players best duelist and controller in the NA region and possibly the world

anyone who is against GC circuit is also racist

posted about a year ago

thanks for adding to the discussion positively /s

posted about a year ago

so start posting some really cool interesting and serious post about the teams, the strategies, the best practices and the ups and downs of the life of the tourney and the players involved


posted about a year ago

cloud9 should’ve brought in sinatraa and zombs and then they would be top 5 in the world easily

posted about a year ago

oh look you stopped being an e-bully and finally contributed some what positively. glad to see the changes

posted about a year ago

this is an unacceptable post and user should be banned. this is a threat against all children and exploitation. in some scenarios, this is illegal. hope the canadian govt sees this and puts in action

posted about a year ago

lets find opportunities to contribute to the change and make it a daily task to think about what topics and situations we can discuss to make this place a true tool of innovation and tactical effeciency.

we need a daily 1 v 2 post with best practices

we need a daily take A bomb site discussion

we need a daily how to pick the best agent post

we need talented people to bring up topics and continue the striving of excellence.

lets do this!

posted about a year ago

thanks for the positive contribution to a forum post that i believe can find tremendous value not only in the mental health of the community but in the real time basis of being able to continue the striving path forward to eventually become pro or be someone really special that allows the opportunity for others to get better through their action and insights and development of best practices and best ideas this would go along way for future opportunities to discuss amazing intellectual ground breaking initiatives and situational awareness

posted about a year ago

thats not a good excuse...

people should conversing about their ranked games, what good plays they are implementing, styles and observations.

the forum needs to help educate each other on how to best make a 1v3 play or new tactics.

this shouldnt be a gossip forum, this needs to be a great resource for gameplay

this is basically turning into the rank system, which should be abolished, as everyone needs to play together and come together so that they are one etogether, make sense?

posted about a year ago

whos that? an analyst or someone who provided lots of great content?

posted about a year ago

they once were??

most of the posts are about “worse user blah blah”

random gibberish and nothing about the fundamentals of the game. the art of the game. the strategy.

pls don’t tell me everyone left to crappy CS2(a community full of hate and bad behavior)

what happened to the discussion of the game? is it bc yay left NA and all stars like sinatraa and zombs are no longer involved?

how do we get new stars to bring energy to the game and talk about the beautiful strategies?

posted about a year ago

they are just forced to play low grade talent and never get to compete.

fix this riot.

let them play with the best to prove themselves. stop limiting their exposure.

SAD. its 2023

posted about a year ago

????? pretty clear topic to discuss


posted about a year ago

sinatraa > both

posted about a year ago

wow he’s NA best igl.

sad day. what the heck is going on?

vanity should team up with sinatraa and zombs and make a real powerhouse

posted about a year ago

is there not a way they can implement a rule that you can’t partake in Franchise or other VLR tournies if your team also has a CS2 team?

if you stream cs2 you can’t be promoted within the riot franchises or promoted in the media.

time to protect the game and force people to decide

Also - time for 2-3 more agents if they can. need more agents to continue the progress and hype up the game.

love riot and love this community and hope we can stand together

also want to see riot investigate looking into ranks and possibly even the playing field and not create segregated user base. everyone should play together and get better together


posted about a year ago

i dont understand why mods allow these types of threads.

this is essentially e-bullying and the behavior shouldnt be accepted.

just sucks bc you see so many of the people commenting up above constantly complain about the wrongs of life and then they proceed to emulate the same behavior on the forums.

hypocrisy and e-bullying should be bannable.

posted about a year ago

sinatraa is top 1-2 in NA just no one accepted or cared for him anymore

posted about a year ago

the women team to play in Gamer Changers Championship when a majority of them are top 25 teams in the world and should be competing for a championship of all teams

why make them have to compete in some separate challenge and diminish their talents?

cloud9W for instance is easily top 5-8 team in NA if they were allowed to compete openly.

hopefully this changes soon. the game needs to promote equal progress of talent to the top.

i believe riot has the right people in house and hopefully if the community stands up to this type of stuff they will change it.


posted about a year ago

they should bring in sinatraa and finally have some fire power and a real star

posted about a year ago

people need to stop listening to music that is full of violence and drug use.

pls stick to calm and positive songs

it has an effect on your mental health

if you want to do well, listen to sinatraa streams via audio only. its motivation. its listening to to the top NA player. that is real progress

posted about a year ago

pls stay on topic. thansk!

posted about a year ago

nice comment, lame!

posted about a year ago

thanks for positively contributing to someones opinion. glad to see you're super civil and nice. im sure bullying is something ur proud of m8

feel free to interact and have a different opinion but y bully? iono

posted about a year ago

they have to let the GOAT come back



easily best team in NA if they want to win and remove the momentum of CS2

posted about a year ago

what’s the point in getting semi-r***cist with your comments?

vlr should start banning the word br**ded as it’s clearly a negative term

ur better than this

posted about a year ago

thank you will include your data in reference portion

posted about a year ago

this is not normal.

I’ve found out that an ice pack added to cpu can help assist

posted about a year ago

poopoo is evolutionary survival tactic for nutrients to be available during emergency situations.

nature is so awesome.
science matters

posted about a year ago

just a quick off topic survey

do you fold your toilet paper or wad it up in a ball?

please also include your MM rank along with your approach.

trying to get some data for a paper I am writing

posted about a year ago

Tarik hates the poor (see sub mode)
Shroud only cares about selling product (see Logitech ads)
Hiko tried to save his career(took advantage of the community)

riot needs to remove all old CS players from the pros and demand promotion of life long VLR players

meL is a great example of someone who should be tier 1 pro and provided a platform to succeed

posted about a year ago

Top 5 NA players easily is


I’ll always be factual.

posted about a year ago

it’s just sad how many teams won’t hire meL, as i have said for years riot should mandate 50% of all pro teams should be all woman to equal out the playing field

if you rely on orgs and people involved it will never happen bc.

take a stand riot. promote what is right.

the community supports these initiatives. CLG red was a top 10-15 team in NA but oppression kept them down.

posted about a year ago

just sad tarik made all his fame in VLR as a streamer and then instantly starts making cs2 videos,

if he was committed to the community that made him rich he wouldn’t even play the game.

then again he’s the same person who puts on sub mode and doesn’t want people who can’t afford a sub to even talk in his chat. just sad how $ changes people.

we need strong VLR community to push back against cs2 which isn’t even a real game compared to VLR which requires real skill.

posted about a year ago

yay honestly needs to change his attitude. there are tons of young players who look up to him and the attitude is unacceptable.

at some point riot needs to put in character/attitude requirements and not allow certain players to be involved in pro scene if they don’t promote a certain behavior

time for riot to step up and promote healthy and proper behavior

posted about a year ago

i wasn’t aware i was even missed or this popular this is nice to hear.

posted about a year ago

the community must stop watching shroud streams, stewie2k streams and Tarik streams.

they sold out the game and the community must ban together to show how much we love VLR

posted about a year ago
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