Flag: Trinidad and Tobago
Registered: February 7, 2022
Last post: July 20, 2024 at 12:22 PM
Posts: 175
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100T would've made champs if they just won against furia/loud, or just not choke against kru. Truly sucks being able to predict a 100t season every year. Attend 1 international event get my hopes up lose out, then get close to making a next international event and just lose in a close game to qualify. Then reddit/vlr roast the players and a billion fix threads and drop Asuna threads. This was probably the best season in awhile and I believe this team has the potential, but need to work on finding consistent ways of winning than relying on if our aim is good to triple hold or re-clear areas dry. Just make the game easier for themselves.

posted 7 months ago

Idk why g2 just grouping up at a specific spot and contact up annoys me, like if a team doesn't wide-swing into them, its pretty readable. I could be wrong though. Like they just 3 man walked up hookah/long like 7 rounds.

posted 10 months ago

oh damn

posted 10 months ago

Just realized these grand finals actually mean a lot other than seeding, like in Americas for example if g2 or 100t win, they go up to 9 circuit points tying Sentinels for first. If 100t or g2 don't win shanghai they just need to win like 2/3 matches during split 2 to guarantee a champs spot. That's actually huge, same with Fnatic and Heretics jumping to first, GENG basically qualifying. FPX and EDG basically locked anyway.

posted 10 months ago

or right yeah

posted 10 months ago

100t gets the first seed if KRU wins a map against LEV?

posted 10 months ago

Asuna on Bind against NRG in the VCT upper semi finals like 3 years ago, the ace clutch after that i became a 100t fan .

posted 11 months ago

You guys need to put in perspective that he is the secondary caller now, he arguably has the most experience on the team with playing with 4 great callers and mid rounders with steel, nitro, hiko, Ethan the only problem he has is over comming for his teammates like counting there 1,2,3 peeks that could mess them up but he gives the right call knows his teammates utility and ults and when to use them the guy is only 20 he's the second youngest on the team, but just been around the longest so it's easy to dogpile

posted about a year ago

He gotta raise his sens back up, idk his inconsistency has become worse with a lower sens, but he really isn't bad, just has to fix his inconsistent tendencies, idk how he can though.

posted about a year ago

https://twitter.com/Zikzlol/status/1713087661567836401?t=_B_D4zH8AfzKuPM8fxFGMA&s=19 prac starts back Monday so roster finalized soon I guess.

posted about a year ago

If 100t can't get Boostio because EG are EG, honestly think Leaf should be in the conversation, may sound crazy but if they get leaf he basically plays everything and is a smart player, instead of going for someone that doesn't necessarily elevate the team with their calling and are subpar individually because zikz is probably going to have a system and stratbook anyway. It won't happen because still need that igl figure within a team but just a thought.

posted about a year ago

Just an offensive strategic coach and they'll be fine Asuna said they were trying to get a coach during the season but none of the teams they asked budged. and they only lost to NA teams + Loud and just quite frank disappointed against MIBR

posted about a year ago

coaching imo Mike being the only coach sets them back with ideas, but they are starting to win so consistency is the problem

posted about a year ago

Yeah thats why I said Mike being the only coach truly limits them.

posted about a year ago

In relations to calling the team no longer has a set strat book anymore its just a Stellar call and a weird default, that ascent Asuna and Cryo mid rest of the team A main was so strange to me. Cryo has also been in a slump since the end of Red bull. To be completely honest I don't think its the fault of any of the players tbh the load Mikes carries should not be on him as the only coach and a lcs analyst they flunked the offseason imo in terms of staffing. They are probably not playing at the same level that they do in scrims, but the lack of structure is concerning to say the least and they just don't use utility to clear anything consistently anymore its just hope for the best run at them hopefully they aren't in a corner or have pushed out sometimes. They just hit a wall they still win this series hopefully.

posted about a year ago

Its meant to help with retakes and overall ideas they have for the map, he's in a position to help the team in a different way than fragging i think its fine and the map is out of rotation in a couple months anyway

posted about a year ago

No roster changes just comp changes and Fnatic straight up a team of raid bosses better team rn but they also need more strats since they are on the fly calls vs strat book calls when Sean was on the team, 100T is a great squad they'll develop fine. Also the Asuna hate is insane and the Expectations haters have on the guy playing Sage on icebox is mental imo.

posted about 2 years ago

100T are going to play the best they have ever played for the remainder of the tournament. LCQ level of just clicking as a team.

posted about 2 years ago

I love this esports team and they got me into valorant cod league apex etc. but why do they have to always have intense and close games like blowout a team for once please, like my heart is not built for this team

posted about 2 years ago

No they are just human. You people just pick and choose when to hype up players and then switch up if they underperform some games. Both of these players are some of the best in the world chill.

posted about 2 years ago

What are you even saying, cause I never hated on shahzam, so what's the point of saying this, not everyone goes on the internet to hate on players. and don't say because I'm a 100T fan I magically hate Shahzam all of a sudden.

posted about 2 years ago

You're the one on the Internet hating bro so doesn't seem that way and holding grudges for people you don't know.

posted about 2 years ago

Aren't you the same guy clingy unto hate for 100t, for something between players that happened 2 years ago? And the said players aren't on either team now. At least Asuna accomplished something idk what you doing.

posted about 2 years ago
  1. Asuna has a magnet for his head.
  2. Cryo is insane
  3. Asuna even when he has a bad game rarely has single digit kills.
posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Its better to practice a map and get better than just making a map be a perma-ban especially since its the off-season and the tournament is for practice instead of focused on just winning plus zander said their ascent is good in practice, imo they just need to work on it for matches.

posted about 2 years ago

He's been playing amazing so far, hope it sticks.

posted about 2 years ago

Last time he streamed was last month, vod reviewing xerxia vs bleed

posted about 2 years ago

I think the assistant coach will be Jamezirl former c9 head/assistant coach, could've just been helping them out but he was in a custom with them the first day of practice and also both him and mike have similar mindsets and he can bring new ideas to the team. Just speculation though and could've just been a one time thing, 6th player could just be Hiko/a player that has good ideas but doesn't want to play to fill the spot, or similar to c9 just have the analyst be that position but they are using the LoL team's analyst team so doubtful on that.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with this partially cause Sean came up with the strats and offense calls for the team but Mike's did a lot for the team from booking scrims player development and the defense side of the game aswell, the team will be just fine imo idk why people think a team with some of the best players in their respective roles will be bad, could just be because they're on 100T and people hate the team for some reason.

posted about 2 years ago

Bro hope you know Mike's was the head coach of Berlin envy before they didn't resign him and discipline doesn't magically go away with a coach leaving. Think you're heavily doubting a really talented team

posted about 2 years ago

He's good at the game.

posted about 2 years ago

Think most 100T fans respect Mike, I wanted him on the team since envy let him go and he is very supportive of the players and know the team will be great.

posted about 2 years ago

Guy has a family and being a pro coach and moving to LA is a lot for anyone to commute to and he misses doing content which is respectable.

posted about 2 years ago

Mike is a great coach, he was the envy coach when they played against gambit masters Berlin. And engh and sliggy are possible maybe.

posted about 2 years ago

I think a teams 6th should be an analyst type player/igl type player that can help the team in other ways other than playing, so they aren't just sitting on the bench doing nothing, like qpert for c9 and boi on the old 100T roster, or getting a young player that can step into a role if a starter player is slumping/needs a mental break.

posted about 2 years ago

Nothing. The team will get better playing together no changes.

posted about 2 years ago

Think you're underrating stellar and derrek and overrating the value those others bring in some way. Like you have to realize what 100t did in 5 months time with lower known talent other than Asuna. Trent I guess would've been a somewhat upgrade but think you'll be surprised by how well the team plays with just the addition of cryo. Picking up big names don't always improve a team. Imo

posted about 2 years ago

Doubt Optic stays in valorant, other than that, thats the point of the ascension league is to provide quality games when the partnership games aren't running and to have valorant year round basically, teams should definitely invest in teams for it imo. If there is prize pools it'll make it more worth for teams but still will be solid.

posted about 2 years ago

Bang will be staying with the team and is not getting replaced. Asuna and Him are basically a package deal at this point and if one leaves they both will probably be gone, so yeah. Source: Asuna's stream around the start of it. The roster is basically set other than a 6th man and they might start practicing in a few weeks maybe.

posted about 2 years ago

That's just how people on this site work, player doesn't put up insane stats in 1 tournament and they're all of a sudden overrated or bad and worse than a player who had their first good tournament. They don't realize how hard these players work, and just see recent stats and base it off that.

posted about 2 years ago

He may just want to do more sponsorship deals since he's streaming more and also renegotiate his current contract to fit the league standards. He may have been making below the minimum of 50k.

posted about 2 years ago

Zekken isn't better than Asuna. And 100t won't replace Asuna. Their team is perfect as is and stellar is doing a great job.

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think dephh for stellar is that good imo. Stellar is better mechanical and has already made it to a lan and he's not a bad igl in the slightest and actually comes up with a decent amount of ideas for the teams playbook, think he's underrated for his igl abilities just because he has good coaches.

posted about 2 years ago

How does it seem he's an onliner, when he's played 2 Lans? 1 in which the guy had covid 2 out of 3 games.

posted about 2 years ago

Will played good for 2 maps against fnatic and now all of a sudden he's better than Asuna, who has been proven and played alright in 1 tournament when he's been through the most changes. Let's be real here

posted about 2 years ago

not that I want zander to replace stellar, but zander used to and can play sentinel as well, the only problem is he struggles on initiator, as compared to stellar who can have good performing games on kayo. good pun as well.

posted about 2 years ago

Will is the teams main opper and duelist I would hope he outperforms him in atleast 1 tournament. But shouldn't judge players off one tournament imo.

posted about 2 years ago

Insane that people say drop Asuna after 1 tournament where the guy had covid for 2/3 games but any other player would get excuses upon excuses. They guy played great the entire year and one tournament he doesnt frag out on support agents and the guy gets hate like what.

posted about 2 years ago

He'll still be on the team in 6th role I'm assuming.

posted about 2 years ago
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