100T needs a duelist/chamber who can actually get a kill. Is Will just underperforming or is he this bad?
-Stellar +Babyj -will +bdog
if they're dropping stellar (which they shouldn't) then might aswell get boostio and solve the op problem
That’s 2 different roles
sentinel role?
-stellar +ec1s
Nobody wants BabyJ - he is supposedly quite toxic and difficult to work with.
He’s hella toxic in ranked
Shahzam is also passive aggressive asf in ranked but look at him
Um i dont know if you heard it but Babyj is kinda not an option due to the "issue"
I got baited, what issue?
Here's the context
Moose literally replies himself saying that's a bait. L post
Still does not change the fact BabyJ has an ego. When he duo with Tarik, it's unejoyable for Tarik's viewer
They need Wardell poggers
Playing as chamber that'll get hard nerfed after champions? I don't see Wardell adding much value to the team
This is who they were originally hoping to grab