undisputed #1: Lmemore the rest (not in order): kush kadoom lenne (hate him all you want but imo hes underrated) rDeeW/wronski
lenne?? i'd take deryeon over that shit
deryeon is too inconsistent lenne impact on sova is crazy, him and pyth are the staple of bleed i've seen a stat where his sova ult kill % is really high
Wronski is great on jett, his chamber is okay
i agree, he doesn't seem to be as comfortable on chamber
where is jessievash/dubstep
secret is great as a team, but none of their players are within the top 5 range, maybe jremy can fit in there
oh top 5, mb i thought u just put how many you want
yeah prolly should've clarified that
Lmemore undisputedly
1.Lmemore 2.Monyet 3.tehbotol 4.Deryeon 5.Kush 6.Wronski 7.Jremy 8.Famouz 9.fl1pzjder 10.kongared
honorable mention:dubstep & wannafly
change L enne with daryeon now