Aparently isn't just in Valorant that Sentinels has a problem with Brazilian teams, this cursed org always surprises me with the amount of shit they are able to be in. First was with Zombs saying that everyone in Brazil is poor and making the whole world think that Brazilians were some kind of psychopaths that send Death Threats at any circunstances, then this...
This is repulsive, Brazilians already hated Sentinels for everything that happened in the past, but now this is in a completely different level, imitating a monkey to the brazilian teams is exactly the type of thing that makes me hate Sentinels as a whole.
"But is in another game", if they are able to do this in a Riot game why wouldn't they do it in another Riot game? This is the exact reason why i dislike Sentinels and wouldn't root for this org in any circunstances.
Brazilians should NEVER root for this org again in their lifetime, if anyone sees a brazilian with a Sentinels Org he should be advertised.