I fail to understand how jett is still the no.1 choice for top players across globe for duelist picks on most maps, i mean she has only 2 smokes with such a short duration, one dash and 2 updrafts which are not really useful in all the rounds.
if you take reyna or raze or yoru, you would definitely use all their abilities in every round and we all love flashes and nades unlike updrafts
before when jett had 3 smokes with 7 second duration, she was S-tier for sure but now she is nerfed so much i feel like chamber is wayyyyyy better than jett at almost everything except maybe entry, jett can only do entry nothing else useful, these top players carry and hype jett only because their aim is badass and all they need is only the entry to get 2 kills on site, not because jett is insane