probably scalped by bots already
Flag: | India |
Registered: | January 2, 2022 |
Last post: | March 25, 2025 at 10:32 AM |
Posts: | 118 |
faster movement speed
smaller and tighter hitboxes
significantly less tagging
way better emphasis on counter strafing
Dude probably watched that one old clip of a caster calling CS as the 'other game' at VCT event and made it a stereotype.
On the other hand, it only looks like vlr talks more about CS than hltv talks about valorant is because HLTV is heavily moderated and valorant threads usually all end up being deleted.
I know valorant playerbase is bigger, but saying CS2 is not popular there is just wrong because CS2 Shanghai major was able to generate nearly the same heat as Champions 2024 on Chinese streaming sites. Probably CS is popular casually while everyone just plays Valorant, regardless the gap between these two is not as big as you think. I was arguing more about your statement in #7 and the links you followed up with in #12.
No, CS2 has an open circuit and anyone can organize a tournament without having to pay Valve for rights.
The only time organizers pay Valve is for bidding for organizing a major.
Valve doesn't earn anything from ESL, ESL is an independent third party tournament organizer, now owned by the Saudis. Infact Valve hates ESL because ESL is trying to monopolize CS tournament circuit.
Don't know about comments, but the text in the image translates to "Fearless Contract, the highest single-day online number in the national server, stably exceeding 1 million". I don't know if single-day online number would be daily player count or concurrent.
I am not sure about China but Korea won a major in CS 1.6.
The 110,000 number is concurrent player count, the number of players playing at a certain instant. Daily player count is obviously going to be more
He's also comparing Valorant's daily player count with CS concurrent player count lol
I agree with you, Riot loses money even after making hit series like Arcane while Valve has infinite money printing machine Steam. Also Riot spends significantly more money marketing their games while I don't even think Valve has a marketing team. Even in league, I heard that Riot took away f2p progression and cosmetic stuff because it couldn't generate them money. Riot has to find ways to profit and unfortunately franchising the esports scene falls into this.
But still, Riot are control freaks and franchising stuff aside, they could have added support for user generated content like modded servers and workshop content with custom maps.
Battery, keyboard and screen hinges also start giving up after a certain point, other than mobility there is no point in getting a laptop
I mean they only pay him that much because they can't let him go to other orgs. He apparently earns more than rest of his team combined, which is deserved since he was the hardest carry in esports for like 4 years
Round robin bo1s are terrible and teams could easily upset, blast used to have this format in csgo in 2019
ZywOo gets 100k+ per month, apparently not even NiKo falcons deal comes close to this
Valorant's development began in 2015 and the first open beta was in 2020, there's no way they went 5 years without considering a replay feature for a competitive game.
Nagi is so washed bruh, but your list still looks accurate. The gap between 3 and 4 is just high.
Their AI is ass, it banned me for a week and when I contacted riot support they sent me chat logs of me saying "gg ez"
Very few bugs right now, but the biggest issue is optimization right now. I have done a lot of stuff to make my game feel smooth like CSGO was, but the average player shouldn't have to know about these to play the game. Once they figure out the new damage prediction stuff they added in the past few months, the input delay is going to be lower than CSGO tho, but optimization still remains the biggest issue
Using kiwi ears cadenza, it's a really good tuning but since you already use the chu 2, it won't feel much of an upgrade.
I think most of you guys are just salty that most of his takes are correct while he compares the game with CS. Like I don't even get what are you guys mad at when most of his takes are valid and are also giving valid feedback to riot who seem to have implementing them and making the game better. He isn't even complaining about random and useless things like shroud.
AWP is indeed a better scout tho? Isn't the point of a heavy sniper to do more damage which is why they are supposed to be balanced with lower mobility, slower rate of fire, lesser bullets and high cost. The scout also has tighter bullet spread for no scopes and 100% accuracy at the peak of a jump, so I do not get what you are trying to argue here
Velocity phantom
Ion vandal
CIS players have always been heavy on the modding side of games. Definitely contributes to why Valorant isn't as popular in CIS countries. I swear every community server plugin in CS is made by a cracked 14 yr old russian/ukrainian kid tinkering with the game's files on his potato pc. CS2 doesn't even have any official modding support yet and people have managed to create minecraft in CS2. There are crazy mods that convert CSS into CSGO, CS 1.6 into Valorant, etc and all of these come from the CIS region.
Riot is scared that the community will end up creating dust2 in valorant and expose riot's map designers for making shit ass maps.
But anyway, current valorant community is just comprised of people who are very new to gaming in general/ dont even play other games, doubt most of them even know stuff like this even exists in other games.
I watch Tenz to laugh, I watch Tarik to learn
I mean Microsoft is definitely considering it to some extent due to the crowdstrike incident and also this happened yesterday:
Some replies in the same tweet suggest that Riot is also working to move away from the way Vanguard currently works, so I guess they are aware of it and are considering alternative solutions.
They hyped everyone up about it and mobile version at masters madrid. Neither of the two has been released.
Nah with all this time they are taking to make one, it better be a good one. No half ass clipping software like on the chinese client
What's taking Riot so long to release the replay system? Even Deadlock has got a replay system in its beta phase.
It also set such a high benchmark so early, every song that came after just feels worse.
Don't even need your own money. You can just get the weekly case drops by just playing the game, sell them for money and buy sticker capsules during sale from this money. What's crazy is after the sticker sale ends, the capsules rise in price so you can end up selling them for even more money. Valve has built a fucking infinite money glitch for themselves and the players.
Very possible, given that Lynn Vision players had the most expensive stickers so the Chinese playerbase and skin collectors must have gone wild to buy these. Also the sticker sale ran for like half a year.
Tbf CS sticker sales went from 11M between two majors in 2019 to 110M at a single major in 2023. And the number just keeps getting higher every year.
It depends on what you view as change of strategy, because CS2 new smokes and mollies have changed ways of taking map control and approach of the game, MR12 has changed economy management a bit. Idk if this qualifies as improvement in strategy, but newer ways of throwing certain utility are still being discovered which changes how rest of the team and enemies react to certain situations.
Donk abuses fast CS2 movement and new dynamic player model animations in CS2, which is why peekers advantage fix didn't affect him at all. I think he will initially have a lot of trouble adjusting to gunplay mechanics in valorant, but he is very young and passionate so I think he will eventually play like you would expect him to.
But how? The stickers were mid af compared to previous majors. There's no way anyone's profiting off these now since supply is so high
For me it feels really hard to aim in CS2 sometimes because the player models do not have a fixed movement animation anymore and move way too much dynamically. This + peekers advantage makes it really hard to hold angles in CS2. I've never seen this thing in any other fps game either and I'm pretty sure Valve just added it to flex source 2 engine because it exists in half life alyx as well
If you are on a laptop make sure that both OBS and Valorant are running on dedicated GPU
s0mple has now lost in aim battle to 3 Turkish players
How many hours does this translate to?
My biggest gripe with laptops within this range is that they have terrible combination of hardware here in the models available for sale in India. There are less powerful GPUs paired with much capable CPUs or vice versa, 16gigs ram is not dual channeled, or if you find a laptop that has these balanced then it most likely has garbage thermals or terrible battery life or 60hz screen.
You will still be able to find a good laptop in this range at a good price but it will have hardware of previous generation.
Msi usually offers very good specs on their laptops for a cheap price, however they have very low number of service centers in India. I have a msi gf65 10sdr from 2020, it had very good specs for the price when I bought it, but after buying I realised it had very poor thermals.
Lenovo IdeaPad gaming is overall a very good laptop but has poor battery life
Acer nitro is good, but has heating issues and their 16gb ram variants come with single channeled memory.
Lenovo legion and Asus Rog are simply incredible, but I doubt if you will be able to find them with 144hz screens around 70k
You can use this website to compare and find laptops within your budget.
Have you tried forcing Nvidia GPU through graphics settings in game mode in windows settings?
All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his deag and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....1.4 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC.
All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people on the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body.
I bet this kid doesn't even play FFA Dm's cuz he'd throw his arm out of his socket checking corners. When was the last time you've seen Niko popflash through a smoke, and flick too two people to open up a site??? All this dude does is hold shift and prefire common angles. like wow dude, ur fucking nuts. you can have parkinsons disease and play on 1.4 sens if ur just baiting and clicking heads on common angles.
this is why forest and get right are sick players. they play on higher senitivities, and can do more than bait and off angle one click.