so is she on both blue otters and flyquest red? how does that work?
I noticed that as well the other day. NA game changers sometimes feels like a joke because of this and the fact that players can put a fake full name up, no image of themselves and a completely random nationality to hide their identity. I get some game changer players aren't comfortable being recognised, but if you're serious about playing Valorant professionally in any capacity, you should be ready to put yourself out there.
The whole noot noot situation felt really poor on Riot's end. Upholding integrity should be first and foremost in Valorant. Letting a cheater play and eliminate teams whilst they're ban evading is just so wrong. And the fact that the identification system is still so loose just feels like an opening for players to give GC a shot so they can have a little platform in a welcoming community who won't question some of the things happening.
FlyQuest Red is a legit org so Bob probably plays for them to get contracted pay. BlueOtter is a "professional" challengers team which probably means that they're good enough for VCL, but aren't big enough to pay the players properly. Bob probably sees FlyQuest Red as being a more viable future since the team could be the best in NA with SR out of the picture. But I still see VCL as a better challenge for any player given the quality of players is much higher.