Still so underrated.....
¿Quién es Nukkye?
En geografía, mi mundo.
En historia, mi rey.
En matemáticas, mi solución.
En biología, mi medicina.
En mitología, mi dios.
En astronomía, mi universo.
Para el ciego, la luz.
Para el hambriento, el pan.
Para mí, mi todo.
I mean this dude kinda pogs. Literally hard carrying bro. But fuck him bc now FPX lost to them bc Nukkye literally was carrying too hard. fuck u nukkye. jkjk.
nukkye is nothing special, duelist is the most congested role in this game and you could find many duelists who are as good or even better than him.
avova, on the other hand, is really special in the role he plays and I doubt you can find many like him in the EU. he can actually play his role AND frag, unlike many dogshit players like floppy.