Why watch the World Cup in other sports? It’s the same argument lol. Have there be qualifiers for the event so only the best teams make it, they can build chem through that and have the World Cup in a different location every two years right after champions
Yes, but world cups always have problems. Usually during breaks as well, so many are too tired to compete or tryhard. Maybe in Valorant where international tournament are rare it would be good.
Agreed. Just love seeing the best players from their respective countries compete with each other when they’re on different teams, such a cool watching experience
True. I used to love Overwatch World Cups when that game was my main esport. It was so hype when Team Finland almost beat South Korea (best OW country by far). But sadly those haven't happened in couple years and will never make return.
Sick idea, pubg did it twice and it was very successful each time, should low-key keep the schedule the same as this year then add a World Cup in like November/December