Yo wtf is wrong with brazil lol theyve been constantly insulting kru and being extremely xenophobic, cry more b*tches, loud is out cya optic wins this masters
Also mods ban trembolona they need to get their mental health checked
you want to know why Riot did nothing to Dgzin? to appease the BR community which bigger and more outspoken than the Latam one
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA isn't this to appease the BR community which bigger and more outspoken than the Latam one a little bit of "playing the victim"?
Or maybe LATAM community actually is condescending with this kind of toxic behavior, that you think it's ok to call a black person a criminal?
but it is true? Theres is not other reason as to why dgzin wasn't sanctioned after they CONFIRMED keznit was not racist.
Literally you and only your region thinks that keznit did that to compare him to a criminal (in the spur of the moment after he was compared to another character for his looks) and not why dgzin DOES look alike with CJ.
HAHAHAHAAHAHAH out of millions of fictional characters all over the history of medium, he chose a black criminal, WHAT A COINCIDENCE! You can't be that naive, please. Even if it was in the heat of the moment, the fact he used CJ as the first insult to come out of his head to fight back, it's problematic. It shows where his mind is set when thinking about people like dg. It's not that hard.
What the fuck dude, to what would you compare dgzin with? Mickey mouse? Are you that delusional??.
It's not a direct insult, they are comparing each other with a fictional character, because they LOOK ALIKE, what is your problem for real, how do you even get to the point of thinking that because he said dgzin look like CJ is because he have a racism problem which makes him think "CJ = BLACK = BAD I WILL SAY THIS!". How much mental gymnastics do you have to do to even think like this?
keznit is racist, that's why. we have nothing against Leviatán, though.
but considering a lot latam players (players, not pro players) have historically been racists towards us on every competitive game, it's just impossible to support a team like KRÜ where even a PRO PLAYER, who should be a role model, is racist.
in countries like Argentina, racism is naturalized. we are called monkeys in a daily basis, just for your knowledge
some latam dudes who aren't even racist can't understand the magnitude of this problem and want to believe keznit didn't mean what he said and everything was a misunderstanding. it was NOT a misunderstanding and this specific player was racist multiple times. every brazilian pro player recognizes it since he plays on our servers. he's toxic and a piece of shit.
Brazil don't tolerate racism and never will. we will always stand against this.
Under that logic, and for the amount of people do that, we can say that in Brazil is naturalized to send death threats.
Come to out countries first before calling that racism is something common.
If you take internet as an environment, you will find that everyone writes retard stuff towards other countries.
I did though? Like the clip where all BR think he was pretending to be a monkey but he clearly says "EL PERRO". But yeah, no surprise that BR people just want to manipulate every little thing they can so it fits their narrative and can play victims.
Only you can think that keznit in the spur of the moment after they compared to a character because of his looks said dgzin was CJ because its a criminal and not because they look alike. The most delusional fanbase it will ever exist
Those are just idiotic people, and we all know they are everuwhere. When people start to put me into those groups, i just ignore because i'm the first to go against bad acts like racisms or stuff, especially here. I have friends from Venezuela, Brasil, Colombia, even my girlfriend is from there, so i totally reject when you guys put all of us in the same bag.
Esta es la traduccion literal de snyderfan "Los norteamericanos y europeos no entienden como el racismo funciona por eso es imposible explicarlo"
En que momento se entiende lo que tu escribiste?
Me comunico en español porque asi va a ser más facil de entender para ustedes (aprovechando que el portugués y el español son muy similares) ya que se puede apreciar que su ingles no es muy bueno.
yeah. and as i said, latam guys are historically racists towards us. most latam (mainly argentines) people i've talked to on a competitive game trolled the match/called me and my teammates monkeys without a reason.
i mean, there's a tendency of these guys being racists. no, i am not generalizing, but saying there is a tendency. so it's not a surprise that even a pro player is racist, but it's unbelievable that a guy like keznit publically does what he did and doesn't suffer punishment / get defended by everyone in his region.
ah sim, mas na moral, da muito ódio mano...
A parada que aconteceu foi que eu e um desses meus amigos negros entramos juntos numa loja de games, bem de boa pra ver um controle de PS4 pra ele, aí eu fiquei mais na vitrine da loja enquanto ele foi direto pro caixa pra falar com o vendedor e ver os preços e modelos... o vendedor só mandou um: "só um minuto" e foi quase na porta da loja pra me atender antes
Mano... a gente ficou tão pistola que fizemos um puta auê na loja só pro maluco ficar envergonhado, ameaçando chamar a polícia e os caralho a 4. Aí pra piorar o maluco ainda mandou um "então eu dou um desconte de 50% no controle" tentando calar a gente, aí que a gente ficou 50x mais puto ainda
Depois de uns 2 dias o mlk foi demitido por justa causa, pq falamos com o gerente da loja e ele viu nas câmeras que era verdade
Honestly I don't get the hostility between br and latam, we are supposed to be a community, spreading hate will not solve anything. Both teams didn't perform how we hoped they would but there is always a second chance.
This is the time we forget what happened in the past and move on, arguing back and forth will not solve anything, it will only break the little bonds we have left.
"bonds" ?
Eu não sei vocês, mas pessoalmente quase sempre tive péssimas experiências jogando com essa galera do Latam. Seja no CS, Overwatch e Apex... Quando o clima no time azedava, o primeiro xingamento que eles tinham na ponta da língua eram: "niegro de mierda", "macaco" e coisas do tipo.
Para mim esse tipo de atitude demonstra que pessoalmente, bem nos pensamentos íntimos da pessoa, eles pensam que possuem algum tipo de superioridade étnica com relação aos brasileiros. Acho que nunca vou conseguir usar a palavra "manitos".
Man, that's the spirit, but i understand that some people will never take that step (from both sides).
The thing is negative stuff will always be over good actions. Here in Chile there's a big advance in erradicating racism since schools and now in our works (human resources campaings and other areas).
But what can you do against that... It's sad honestly.