Flag: Brazil
Registered: November 30, 2021
Last post: April 6, 2024 at 10:15 PM
Posts: 92
1 2

o coreano é um incel invejoso

posted 10 months ago

LEV will destroy SEN

posted about a year ago

um cara insuportavel no twitter e geral é o spacca, acha que sabe o quanto chora, muito.

posted about a year ago

bando de ruim

posted about a year ago

I often study for really hard IT certifications and I found a method that works for me, basically is you need to commit with hours per day that you going to study, let's say 3hours per day, you need to commit to it weekly so you don't fall behind schedule then you start every day with studies when you start to lose attention and interest on the study subject don't push it, go and play like a comp or 30min, stop it and return to the studies, and repeat that until you meet your daily committed hours.
I found out that studying long periods of time doesn't do good unless you are 110% focused, now if you can't commit or balance them prolly you have a brain of a fish just keep playing Valorant and drop school, cheers.

posted about a year ago

thank god, those criminals are out

posted about a year ago

This team is a disgrace, Riot Brasil allow them to play with two convicted players is a disgrace as well, there's a term in Brazil that we call "passar pano" aka Whitewash that's what Riot does, even a Brazilian Riot caster is married with a player from the Union and she said that players committed "errors", Brazilian chat during the games are full of people cheering against and making comments towards the abusers but the msgs are always deleted by the Riot mod team.
I will never support a team with those two.

posted about a year ago

argentina pode falir do jeito que for eles vão se achar europeus ainda, é patético esse país

posted about a year ago

sinceramente eu acho essa mina mt estranha, sentimento ruim msm não duvido de nenhum fic que voces postam não

posted about a year ago

que historia é essa

posted about a year ago

too much ego

posted about a year ago

eu to torcendo contra mesmo, o xand é um lixo dentro e fora de jogo, tier2 ainda é muito pra ele

posted about a year ago

perderam a essencia do time, ngm troca kill mais, util sem noção, push descordenado, enfim esse time não ganha nada

posted about a year ago

foram pra tokyo pelo conteudo pode parar, less rachou o elenco, começaram a perder virou um monte de criança birrenta esse time acabou

posted about a year ago

LOUD fan here, the game vs EG was so bad that I'm cheering for EDG, really that game was pathetic.

posted about a year ago

I wish I had "problems" like this lol

posted about a year ago

it will be a phantom this year

posted about a year ago

ninguem entrou em campo hoje.... espero que eles estejam realmente escondendo tatica pq olha que timinho que vi hoje

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

pipoqueiro do caralho

posted about a year ago

is ardiis playing?!

posted about a year ago

the brazilian translator of VCT Americas is a midget

posted about a year ago

gaules zuou valorant na transmissao da IEM rio umas 3x, se acha que a Riot já não tentou comprar o safado? ele não quer sair do CS não o publico dele são aqueles tiozinho que so sabe jogar cs e fala "valorant jogo de poderzinho" ele ta pela massa

posted about a year ago

someone draw gekkos lilbro on top of him

posted about a year ago

uma sombra muito pequena ainda, pq mch é extremamente fraco profissionalmente, zero postura, se algum dia ele tretar com o Gaules pode ter certeza que não vai bater 200 viewer.
Olha todo mundo que o Gaules kickou nunca conseguiram se recuperar, já tive experiencias horriveis em lan com Gaules no auge do G3X ele sempre foi uma babaca, passou por momentos dificeis mas continua uma babaca.

posted about a year ago

mch é puppet do gaules, ele nao pode ficar contrariando o patrao oque da dinheiro é o gaules e não VCT americas

posted about a year ago

glad that 100T won, just imagine the mom "I would like to talk to the manager"

posted about a year ago

the delivery

posted about a year ago

NA Education

posted about a year ago

jzz é o unico que joga nesse time, heat pipoca, jrz e muriz mira bamba/bad call, rgl perdido

posted about a year ago

heat pipoqueiro

posted about a year ago

Yay was one-trick pony because of chamber he cant even carry Tier3 teams

posted about a year ago

thank god

posted about a year ago

usually on things like this I would take the girl side 100% instantly because rizz on 18yrs old is pathetic, but if you read the twitter convo with both ends replying is one thing, now snapchat is one sided conversation and shitty pictures.
I wouldn't take side on this one, have a good weekend yall

posted about a year ago

Its been reported that Riot staff for every day after the last game immediately removes everyone from the arena, it's not "crowd" being disrespectful

posted about a year ago

it's been reported that Riot staff as soon the last game finishes they kick everyone out FAST

posted about a year ago

fuck cancer man, I lost my mom one week ago due stomach cancer and it's an awful feeling.

posted about 2 years ago

Sacy held a leash on Aspas last year, now the final boss is free, he's playing with so much joy

posted about 2 years ago

the final boss

posted about 2 years ago

man is built differently

posted about 2 years ago

but they said that ardiis was going to diff aspas

posted about 2 years ago

I got a spot(placed 300) in the queue 8am, was able to buy the tickets before the crash fortunately, now the website is supper laggy

posted about 2 years ago

Just got two for 02/25 :)

posted about 2 years ago

I bet Aspas will pop with this new team, Sacy was holding him back for sure

posted about 2 years ago

o Sacy é um egocentrico do caralho mesmo sendo de longe o pior do time campeao da LOUD, ele age totalmente como superior entre os companheiros dele de equipe basta ver 10min da stream dele, essa persona de bonzinho pró-comunidade isentão é pra criançada da VLR dar sub, esse maluco é mala pra caralho.
Ele ta com passe alto agora, mas dou 1 season pra sentinels trocar ele por performance, franchise vai cobrar amigo ele n vai poder subir em cima de marmanjo do NA igual faz aqui não

posted about 2 years ago

O post é tendencioso e é o Trembolona, mas ele tá certo em um ponto: não acredite nessa persona da internet ai do Sacy

posted about 2 years ago

Yes, Niko is correct, when I see his Highlights I found it easy as well hit someone from behind:

posted about 2 years ago

Die for you > Entertain Me > Fire again

posted about 2 years ago

só se foi pra balada, treinando que não

posted about 2 years ago
1 2