Gamelanders Blue Gamelanders Blue Inactive have benched their entire roster after a disappointing Stage 2 performance.

Reformulação da estrutura competitiva - Gamelanders Blue


The organization was well known for fielding a dominant roster during the early stages of Valorant. Coming into 2022, only a single player from that original First Strike Brazil winning roster, Guilherme "Nyang" Coelho, remained. This move marks the potential end of one of the longest standing contracts in Valorant as Nyang had been with the organization since June of 2020.The majority of the current roster played together under Stars Horizon Stars Horizon Inactive flainzz Felipe Saldanha pollo Julio Silva in 2021.

During Stage 1, Gamelanders managed to make it through the group stage, but their run was cut short in the playoffs with losses to Keyd Stars Keyd Stars Inactive and FURIA FURIA Brazil Rank #6 heat Olavo Marcelo raafa Rafael Lima mwzera Leonardo Serrati havoc Ilan Eloy Khalil Khalil Schmidt .

In-game leader Vínicius "v1nny" Gonçalves was benched for João "Brinks" Victor heading into Stage 2 with the IGL position moving to Nyang. The move didn't lead to improved results as Gamelanders suffered four straight losses in the group stage to finish in last place.

All players are still under contract, but they have been allowed to negotiate other options. Douglas "dgzin" Silva, Deivid "fuzari" Fuzari, and Davi "chase" Mello as well as the previously benched v1nny all played together for an extended period of time in 2021, but it is unclear whether they will seek a new team together.

The inactive roster of Gamelanders Blue Gamelanders Blue Inactive is:

  • Guilherme "Nyang" Coelho
  • Douglas "dgzin" Silva
  • Davi "chase" Mello
  • Deivid "fuzari" Fuzari
  • João "Brinks Victor"
  • Ian "shaW" Jardim (Coach)
  • "JP" (Assistant coach)
  • Tiago "Tigas" Táparo (Analyst)