Flag: South Korea
Registered: May 19, 2022
Last post: June 3, 2024 at 3:24 PM
Posts: 63
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Jingg is Harden
Forsaken is Westbrook
Davai is Clint Capela
Mindfreak is Eric Gordon
Something is Carmelo Anthony

posted 8 months ago

NRG has virtually the same firepower if not worse than last year now. Cause ardiis is probably better than Ethan only in that aspect

posted 8 months ago

I'm a huge Marved fan, I've been a fan of him since the Faze days, but his actions are deserving of him being kicked off the team. He was drunk/high the morning of a must-win match to get into playoffs. And his performance showed it, by having one of the worst performances of his career. If he wants to return to pro play he's gotta fix himself tbh. In the meantime, I'll be enjoying his streams.

posted 9 months ago

Just for the sake of discussion, would the year be considered a win for this roster if SOMEHOW they figure it out and then win champions. 0 domestic titles, and no other international tournament berths, but a champs win.

posted 9 months ago

sources tell me you're fucking stupid

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Been supporting bro since the Faze days, but being hella high/inebriated in any capacity the morning of a game is just unacceptable. Especially with the performance he just gave, don't know what he's thinking.

posted 9 months ago

Wouldn't Loud be burger, they literally got a burger king sponsor

posted 9 months ago

In football, the score is close nearly the whole game. The FNC game was pretty dominant, the chants every round didn't make much sense.

posted 10 months ago

Facts all the people I see supporting Jingg are from places where military conscription isn't a thing so they don't understand. It's pretty obvious that his family paid off someone.

posted 10 months ago

could be taking care of that mental health

posted 11 months ago

I might put Ethan higher, but the rest of the rankings seem right

posted 11 months ago

Ye I was wondering the same thing, nzr is insane and even though I like tex he hasn't looked that good on sentinel when I watched their offseason games

posted about a year ago

wow he shoots AND tbags people in game, nvm this guy should be arrested

posted about a year ago

Has bro really said anything that crazy? I haven't been following too closely but from what I keep seeing, people are hating on him for talking trash and hyping himself up, which I think is better for the scene than players who show no emotion and are trying to be fake nice.

posted about a year ago

the caster asked them a question, tf he gonna say "nah I think this is all we got"

posted about a year ago

Keep Cryo and Bang, pickup JohnQT, Nismo, and Eeiu

posted about a year ago

Marved brought over the tech pause strat from the mastermind Chet KKKKKKKKKKKKK

posted about a year ago

was over a year ago and mako still hasn't got one

posted about a year ago

Pancada rn, but old Marved cleared

posted about a year ago

ur British ur life is a throw

posted about a year ago

he was in a 1v4 and lost the 1v1 after killing 3

posted about a year ago

To every dumbass saying S0m threw he was in a 1v4 and got it down to the 1v1 and was the best NRG player on this map. Stop hating to hate

posted about a year ago

big talk about choking in playoffs when you support liquid

posted about a year ago

Nah this is crazy đź’€

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I don’t know what’s worse NA gameplay or EU Production

posted about 2 years ago

They also have top cs and rocket league teams

posted about 2 years ago

Xeppaa is more of a flex than a primary initiator imo

posted about 2 years ago

I wonder what changes they are going to make. I like the guys at NRG but I don't know if I could consider them top 5/6 at their role. The only person who I would say on NRG is a top 5 player NA at their position and 100% deserves to be in franchsing is Eeiu. Hazed is a good player but not a tier 1 IGL, Ethan hasn't looked the same on NRG, but I believe he has the potential, Som is good but I feel like he'd do better as a content creator rather than a pro, and Tex I don't really have much to say I just don't think he's a tier 1 player. This is all just my opinion but what do you guys think?

posted about 2 years ago

Bro made a joke and ur raging. Classic Tenz fan

posted about 2 years ago

The lack of a good map pool I feel is because of their comps. They are too focused on putting yay on chamber(which he is a god at I'm not saying he's not), but it ends up messing up the rest of the rosters comps. FNS can't really play sentinel or else it would be a double sentinel comp with the problems of it being exposed on haven, with the lack of initiator util causing optics demise on that map. It causes FNS to play viper on maps which Marved should be playing Viper like Icebox and Breeze, and Marved's Kay-O although the supportive utility has been good it just seems like he would do so much better on a controller. Optic has also been having major struggles on defense because of this, just one chamber trip isn't really enough for maps like Breeze and Ascent(when yay played Chamber) where Optic was just getting dismantled on CT.

posted about 2 years ago

I agree with most of what you said but there's no way they'd drop crashies, it'd be his decision. He'd most likely only leave if Victor got dropped because they would want to stay as a duo.

posted about 2 years ago

That's true I forgot about Zellsis as well

posted about 2 years ago

I don't really understand why people are saying to drop Victor. If you think about it, the only players who could do his role at the same level or better in NA are Zellsis, Leaf, Zekken, or Asuna. However, if you factor in the experience/chemistry he has with the team substituting him for someone else would just be a downgrade.

posted about 2 years ago

There's no way you typed this, pressed enter, and thought "ye this will prove my point to this guy" LMAOOO

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think you're realizing that franchising makes it very hard to pick a team up as 6, because of the costs. Teams are likely going to try and poach Zekken or Cryo because the teams that are in franchising likely will already have 2-3 players locked. Obviously minus TSM who is looking to buy Optic if they don't make franchising but even they are struggling to make the deal work.

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like a lot of people are forgetting the fact that this is likely XSETs last tourney based on the franchising rumors and they most likely won't get picked up as 5. If I had the opportunity to try and play further on with a group of guys who I consider basically family for even one more round at the biggest stage I'd do it as well. I'm also saying this from the standpoint that XSET wasn't the one who called for the replay it was RIOT who approached them asking if they wanted it replayed. In that situation I'd do the same as XSET, I like the memes and think they are funny, but some of the pros are kinda taking it too far with the hate/memes that are kinda pushing the lines of whether they are joking or not.

posted about 2 years ago

ur funny

posted about 2 years ago

EU better pack their bags LMAOOOOOO

posted about 2 years ago

All these people on vlr.gg trying to “diagnose their problem” before the game is even over. They honestly have been looking good this tourney, what happened to giving teams time to grow, it just seems like people on this forum want changes constantly just to complain about the constant changes

posted about 2 years ago

Nukkye instead of Mixwell and that would be an amazing team

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Why do people like to say NA or APAC or Brazil is a 1 team region like it’s a bad thing, I’d rather have a team(Optic, Loud(Masters 1), PRX(this event perhaps)) that can make it to the finals or win it, rather than be an EU fan where all my teams make it to playoffs and lose before making it to finals. It just sounds like EU Copium to me because they haven’t been able to do anything this year and wanna act like their good because they have a lot of teams make playoffs even though they can’t win them.

posted about 2 years ago

Anyone got the clip of FNS saying that I missed it

posted about 2 years ago

I just watch him make the dumbest plays, does what he does on LAN work in EMEA or is he just playing different/it didn’t work in EMEA either?

posted about 2 years ago

My highest was in plat(34%) but after I started going up in rank I started spraying through smokes more and going for common wallbangs so my headshot went down(22%) but I got a lot more damage at the higher ranks because just aim diffing people doesn’t really work as well in immortal and up due to ping diff and everybody’s mechanics being good.

posted about 2 years ago

Ye George just tries to start drama and I also think if this stuff had been said on stream people would’ve just ignored it and not really cared

posted about 2 years ago
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