1.Optic fluke masters win Fell Off.
2.The Guard fluke Fell Off hard
3.Cloud9 fluke team was only good in 2021 Fell Off hard
4.Prx fluke top 4 at masters
bruh i've been watching since cned was in BBL and derke was in crow crowd
don't pull shit assumptions out of ur ass and present real reasons.
Gambit won against fpx before the qualification match and showed insane and tight gameplay but lost to fnatic(who came out of nowhere with derke ), they were also known as a fucking terminator in scrims , also wtf are u talking about they won masters 1 with redgar and played masters 2 qualifications with him wtf does anything before that have to do with my comment, but u wouldn't know ig
i'm not gonna even answer anything about acend bcz again wtf does what u said have to do with them not being there i don't fucking know
mf i said fnatic and liquid fluked do u understand?
acend the 1 v 5 team shat on fnatic in challengers