Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | June 30, 2021 |
Last post: | December 14, 2024 at 5:03 PM |
Posts: | 812 |
he isn't even aiming to be champion, loser ahh mentality
Idk why it's taking so long to Loud just to fire an ass coach like stk, bro isn't even a good at the game itself
loud deserves, they put a trash coach like stk (he has 0 experience and was a gold player back in the day) and also plays saadhak as a duelist which has 0 impact the whole game
Palla é um absurdo, vai pras franquias jaja
every brazilian player has neymar mentality KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK
que isso ta jogando na fritadeira
gamers0 :0
tem que por essa mina no t2 primeiro, o aspas era top ranked mas começou bem na média do t2, ai dps subiu pro t1
flor ta no tier 3 ainda, mas acho que ela jogava facil em qualquer time do challengers no t2, caso ela se provasse nesses times por mim jogaria no lugar de muitos homens do t1
she needs to prove herself in t2 igling atleast, especially because she got diffed by some bottom t2 teams
Não da pra comparar quem as duas jogam com quem o xand joga
Mas acho que essas duas tem tudo pra subir pro tier 2 sem tomar skill gap
Agora no t1 tem que se provar mt, ainda mais pq os títulos delas tem menos expressão no cenário misto
bstrdd n é nem a melhor que pisou na liga dela
Yes, you can't compare the level of the competitions they play
acho que a flor só é melhor que o taco, jzz, seoldam e skrossi(tier2max duelists)
tirando esses ela pode ser igual ou inferior aos outros duelistas
b1sk is very underrated
I watched him when he was on sng
by stats, tisora seems like a more consistent player and could actually play at loud's level
ah vc é gringo
I haven't seen tisora play, is he up to loud's level?
não vi mais o tisora, ele ta parelho ao nivel da loud atual?
that's why less is on top of the world while memewzera🤣🤣🤣
drx bettors rn🔛🔝
I mean, they only lost to liquid this year until they played loud, before this series happened fnc was expected to win champions
fnatic looked so perfect before playoffs started, wtf
2-1 loud if kangkang doesn't buy op
2-0 edg if kangkang buy op
their jail valorant atleast has some set plays, old br teams didn't have this type of plays
muita cagada, vai tomar no cu esse time que só aperta w, lixos podres
less can perform every game, even if he loses
jurei q ia ser impossível ler a fnatic
less makes sm difference in loud, wtf
and to think he wasn't signed until loud started a core with him
derke can't kill without op
I'm on mobile, I can't do this
Ok you really have a point
Don't try to hide the shit you said up there
For me eg is a def top 3 or 2, you can't do them dirty like that
I disrespected navi, but it was because of the french guy with navi flag, if he didn't trashtalk loud I wouldn't have said things like that