Don't know if there is a correlation but ShahZam has streamed 187 hours in last 31 days and has been active in 30/31 days! Let's compare it to some other top IGLs in the region.
vanity= 68 hours - 15 days active
FNS= 0 hrs- 0 days active
dephh= 0 hrs - 0 days active
I don't have stats for everyone but we can comfortably say ShahZam is quite possible the most consistent streamer among all the IGLs right? I am not against him streaming. I mean if it secures his future then by all means do what you want. But it's stupid to think you wouldn't get outplayed, outsmarted by all the other IGLs who put tons of hours in prepping and has good coaching staff. SEN as an org should be ashamed of doing this to their fans as well. How come you don't have a coach yet in 2022 while your IGL streams all day? Who's gonna make the stup plays, the dafults, the team comp and any strategy for that matter?