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Registered: July 9, 2021
Last post: May 13, 2024 at 5:24 PM
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nah, SEN is many things but not broke. They are literally feeding pANcada money for doing nothing.

posted 9 months ago

you said honeymoon period wins trophies but they haven't won one in my book. What did i misunderstand?

posted 9 months ago

i bet he doesn't mind playing senti in pro matches but he is confident and used to be a duelist. I could bet 10k that if given the opportunity he would play initiators in a heartbeat. He would go on YT and learn all the sova lineups instantly.

posted 9 months ago

They haven't won any trophies tho. Only intl. LAN counts

posted 9 months ago

johnQT will become the best initiator ever if he switches. Mark my words. The way he moves and the way bro shoots, he wasn't meant to be a senti.

posted 9 months ago

I would be so mad if i died like that in a pro match. Ultimate mental BM

posted 9 months ago

They are on a honeymoon period. Everything is going right for them. They literally rush B like 10 times on sunset against G2 or LEV i forget but won LMAOO

posted 9 months ago

Less can shoot, sacy can not. That's a difference as well

posted 9 months ago

He literally jumping headshots with phantom so frequently! Did it against LOUD and then against LEV. Also, Cryo with his no scopes. So accurate! Do these guys have the tech or just lucky?

posted 9 months ago

who would play senti then? if less leaves?

posted 9 months ago

He doesn't like playing senti though and viper is probably gonna be out of meta for a while!

posted 9 months ago

In esports, your value doesn't stay forever unless you show it constantly. There are up and comers who teams will consider over a guy that's been doing nothing for months

posted 9 months ago

I understand why doesn't want to join another team. Probably makes more money partying and chilling around anyway.

posted 9 months ago

Does he still get paid by SEN?

posted 9 months ago

60-40 in favor of 100T. 100T has too much firepower and now they have good cohesion and confidence as well.

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

wdym? How would they give up an IGL?

posted 9 months ago

Saadhak has his second caller and partner back and SEN gets to have more firepower. johnQT could play initiator and have even more impact because he's is the IGL and could be a playmaker

posted 9 months ago

johnQT plays a lot of initiators and he will be able to adapt easily imo. Also, the IGL being able to make plays could be a plus for them.

posted 9 months ago

BR fan or SEN?

posted 9 months ago

SEN fans and Loud fans, would you guys take a straight sacy and less swap between the two teams?

posted 9 months ago

Sacy support util is insane

bruh! stop saying that. His champs are made for support. Everyone is making this same bullcrap argument about him. Leo, trent, eeiu, d4vai, riens, which one of these don't have good support util? and they are insane at the game too with better APR. The role is literally the 2nd most impactful in the game in terms of support and frag, just having good util is not good enough.

posted 9 months ago

wdym very low? As long as they can bounce back in split 2 they have as good of a chance as anybody in making champs through the normal route. split 2 is the most important and 3 teams make it through normal route, they don't even have to worry about championship points. And if you think we are shit we are going to be shit no matter what then there's no point doing anything. Just sit at home, put your money in the bank and don't invest in esports.

posted 9 months ago

ain't no way you are being serious. Their year will already be over by then.

posted 9 months ago

talent? On per they don't even have a top 5 roster in AMER. They lack firepower heavy. Most teams have 5 match winners, SEN barely has 3.

posted 9 months ago

Yeah but that's group stage. 100T could still lose in playoffs and not make it through normal route.

posted 9 months ago

SEN win condition is mostly 2 guys. tenz and zekken. That was the case in kickoff and madrid as well. JohnQT is the IGL and the lurker so you can't ask him to perform on a high level consistently. Zellsis is a true support player on and off the server. So, sacy has to step up like Leo, eeiu, davai etc but I don't think he can tbh. He hasn't been doing it for a year and a half. look at any other top team and they have literally 4-5 match winners.

posted 9 months ago

How are you so sure? YES they get to cook up some shit for split but so does everyone else and they get LAN exp. SEN has many other issues than just having tactical flaws. Unless you have glaring problems in your roster you should at least make playoffs off of a fresh masters win.

posted 9 months ago

SEN got lucky that they at least got the max 6 points possible. Loud got fucked over even harder.

posted 9 months ago

Also, 100T gets to play against a shittier Loud and they will farm the BR teams. 3 points guaranteed almost.

posted 9 months ago

It is. Imagine going through a cut throat kickoff format, go to intl. win the whole thing and then another team just makes regular season playoffs by winning the same amount of games as you and overtakes you just by winning the playoffs? That's tragic LMAO

posted 9 months ago

Championship poinst-

100T has already overtaken SEN with one less match played in the regular season group stage. Only the top #1 team qualifies through Champ points.
Also, don't forget yall gotta play a super superteam NRG now, upward looking C9, 2nd best in the region G2, Group stage demons KRU next split.
It's not lookin good bruv 😭

posted 9 months ago

Didn't even say anything about zellsis!

posted 9 months ago

johnQT - initiator. I know that streams always don't translate to professional games but I think he genuinely likes playing initiators and he can have direct impact in rounds as an IGL and be a playmaker at the same time.
Less - sentinel

Sacy back to loud to help out saadhak with calling.

This will solve a lot of problems. less will get his escape and the contract that he wants and deserves and saadhak will have a veteran by his side that complements him the best. Win - win no?

posted 9 months ago

But does he have as good utility usage as sacy though?

posted 9 months ago

someone else brought it up today in another post

posted 11 months ago

I will stop when he makes a video about Asuna

posted 11 months ago

I don't think it's that. I think he was totally oblivious to considering the player perspective and was extremely tunnel visioned to make tenz look like the villain. He built a narrative in his head and then was trying to justify it by watching tenzs vods.

posted 11 months ago

Watch this clip.

Apparently in this clip, the call to push snowman and take that control was from johnQT. And TenZ wasn't going alone there, zekken was with him. But after the viper wall drop misplay from Zellsis, zekken got blinded so he dashed back. Of course tenz was too far up and he doesn't have a dash to fall back so he ends up looking like an idiot.
Exactly like this clip, every time Sideshow criticized tenz or someone else for their micro plays sideshow didn't take into account that a play could be called by the IGL or another player and it may have failed due to 1 out of hundred different variables in this game going wrong.

That's my biggest issue with that video. Sideshow never gave tenz the benefit of the doubt and that's the biggest issue with criticizing and overanalyzing every micro play. You don't have the full picture.
Wanted to clarify because I have been seeing that whole debacle resurface lately and seeing people say sideshow was right since tenz is back to form again LMAO.

posted 11 months ago

Prolly meant last season/earlier this year

posted about a year ago

Leaf for sure

posted about a year ago

Forgot cloud9? The Americas Champion?

posted about a year ago

This is so funny cz Pansy is like the biggest yay fan 🤣

posted about a year ago

He said he watched synopsis of it and unlike you he doesn't have a pea brain. He got the gist of the video in those few minutes cz he said he never preferred jett entrying anyway and that was like the only criticism that sideshow made. He only had good things to say about his kayO and yoru, he criticized tenz not having some kayO molly lineups but that's what his coach is there for, instruct him to throw molly they want in set execs. He has a pretty good policy of not concerning himself with what people say about him online, you wouldn't understand if you are not on his shoes. Worry about your idol sinatraa not reading the 'U.S. code of conduct '. Had he done that his career wouldn't have been over at 21.

posted about a year ago

Bro why do you sound so guilty posting about scrimbux? Post whenever and whatever you feel like man. James_ff doesn't own the copyrights to 'scrimbux posting' lol. If you feel like updating ppl here, just do it. Appreciate the juice

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That's open space, opponent could have done the same. They could've reacted faster and take the fight before SEN. TenZ just whiffed, that's on him but he had to take that fight cz he had the upper hand with updraft jett knive movements. Sacy should have traded that regardless, he didn't scale that's his fault

posted about a year ago

They shouldn't. Most of the criticisms are surface level and probably known to the coaching staff already. He isn't a good solo entry player, he said it himself so it's no wonder he looks like a headless chicken half the time on jett and it also didn't help that his team didn't have an IGL and lacked team chemistry. He played better on double duelist meta and as Ange1 said a long time ago, they should just put him on flex.

posted about a year ago

How is tenz always sick man! This guy went on a 20day vacation and got sick just at the time when they start prac? This guy is so high maintenance, sometimes i wonder if he's worth all these hassle.

posted about a year ago

Yeah but sure asl it's not eeiu so hes most likely leaving

posted about a year ago
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