SEN fix?

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tenz moved to kay/o / chamber / neon full time


Nice one Leon


thanks boejiden, passing this over to the SEN board




+100TBoeJiden instant global #1


I think zombs is the only change that has to happen and they need a coach and an analyst

Crackyoudown [#6]

I think zombs is the only change that has to happen and they need a coach and an analyst

personally i think zombs will flourish under new igl and new energy in the team.

shaz = doesnt utilize team correctly
dapr = always angry or trolling (down 4-5 rounds and T-bagging opponents)

zander would bring new light into the IGL
penny could solidify their jett to allow Tenz to flourish as Kayo/Chamber/Neon
zombs can finally go SOVA and show the world he's more that a spectre


remove zombs is enough


I personally think they need a coach

renezixx [#9]

I personally think they need a coach

i agree, coaching is key. just look at guard. they should maybe bring nitr0 in as a coach?

100TBoeJiden [#7]

personally i think zombs will flourish under new igl and new energy in the team.

shaz = doesnt utilize team correctly
dapr = always angry or trolling (down 4-5 rounds and T-bagging opponents)

zander would bring new light into the IGL
penny could solidify their jett to allow Tenz to flourish as Kayo/Chamber/Neon
zombs can finally go SOVA and show the world he's more that a spectre

I mean I see what you are saying and fair play right but shahz is still fragging decently bur a coach and an analyst would benefit the util usage and just help the overall vibes in the team. Shahz is spread way too thin and is having to do a lot of thinking. Dapr is a unknown quantity maybe they benefit with dropping him so the zander change makes sense in place of zombs but maybe a zellsis or a penny in place of dapr makes sense in terms of comp changes but idk it's up to the sen board really

Crackyoudown [#11]

I mean I see what you are saying and fair play right but shahz is still fragging decently bur a coach and an analyst would benefit the util usage and just help the overall vibes in the team. Shahz is spread way too thin and is having to do a lot of thinking. Dapr is a unknown quantity maybe they benefit with dropping him so the zander change makes sense in place of zombs but maybe a zellsis or a penny in place of dapr makes sense in terms of comp changes but idk it's up to the sen board really



Damn 100% would win teh next 5 champtions with that team lowkey. Ez fix, honesty they should do this alr, both players arent doing shit

100TBoeJiden [#10]

i agree, coaching is key. just look at guard. they should maybe bring nitr0 in as a coach?

I dont think so at all, i think it makes shahz a lot lazier to do analysis when they have a coach and thats why when rawkus left they couldnt do jack. Also honestly shahz's skills to analyze and counterstrat are beyond full time coaches and i really think that if he was more into it hed do a great job


ppl talkin abt dapr like hes the problem. Everyone in sen can do their role well as long as they have the motivation which until the v1 match they didnt have. I honestly believe if they start playing with the motivation they used to have theyll definitely get back to the top of International no question

ItsHunter [#15]

ppl talkin abt dapr like hes the problem. Everyone in sen can do their role well as long as they have the motivation which until the v1 match they didnt have. I honestly believe if they start playing with the motivation they used to have theyll definitely get back to the top of International no question

yeah true motivation is key. i think that lays on shaz and dapr though. shaz thinks scrimming and coaching is overrated. dapr cant accept changes. this is why zombs is so important to the future of the team. always willing to do whatever role is necessary and keeps an even keel calm attitude. same with sick, always willing to keep vibes. and tenz is just, a top tier player who needs leadership


It's really difficult to say what's wrong from the outside looking in. It's completely understandable why Shahz wouldn't want a coach on the team. A coach is a level of authority within a group which requires deference to work correctly. It's also someone at the end of the day you have to trust to make the right calls.

I just don't see these people in the Valorant community. There is always going to be some deficit a coach is going to have. If you go the player-coach route, depending on the age, they might not have the maturity needed or the life experience to help out players. If they are the same age as the players on the team, there might be a level of respect that is not achievable because what experience would they have to coach? If they are older, the community looks down on those people, so the respect level might not be there again.

For some reason this community looks to the "famous/influencer" groups of people and expect some magical results. Look at 100T, they hired immortal minds. Seangares was IGL during the c9 run and his team fell apart. Does that give him the proper credentials to be a head coach? Or did he get the job because he was a personality in the community which people looked up to? DDK, what are even the requirements to be a GM? Once again, personality in the community seems to be key. MikeHD, didn't work out with Envy, friend of Sean and DDK, there's your job. Will it work out? Maybe? There's nothing to point to but failures of the past.

It just seems to be a roll of the dice with the selections. If they win, it was definitely the coaches. If they lose, let's play the +/- game. It's a weird perception that the community has.

To tie this back into SEN, there's not going to be a silver bullet. The reality of the situation is that SEN probably had practice around a certain playstyle that worked well at the top level. Other teams got used to the playstyle and were able to develop their own and move passed SEN. TenZ peaked at the "entry-jet" era of Valorant. SEN fell into a hybrid between 100T and Envy. Whoever the coach ends up being, I don't envy them at all. Either way it's going to be an exhausting journey which they will likely find themselves out of a job in 4-6 months.





ItsHunter [#14]

I dont think so at all, i think it makes shahz a lot lazier to do analysis when they have a coach and thats why when rawkus left they couldnt do jack. Also honestly shahz's skills to analyze and counterstrat are beyond full time coaches and i really think that if he was more into it hed do a great job

they got a coach like 1 or 2 days before their V1 match when they struck out, just hasn't been announced yet but they have one now

uGRAVEL [#17]

It's really difficult to say what's wrong from the outside looking in. It's completely understandable why Shahz wouldn't want a coach on the team. A coach is a level of authority within a group which requires deference to work correctly. It's also someone at the end of the day you have to trust to make the right calls.

I just don't see these people in the Valorant community. There is always going to be some deficit a coach is going to have. If you go the player-coach route, depending on the age, they might not have the maturity needed or the life experience to help out players. If they are the same age as the players on the team, there might be a level of respect that is not achievable because what experience would they have to coach? If they are older, the community looks down on those people, so the respect level might not be there again.

For some reason this community looks to the "famous/influencer" groups of people and expect some magical results. Look at 100T, they hired immortal minds. Seangares was IGL during the c9 run and his team fell apart. Does that give him the proper credentials to be a head coach? Or did he get the job because he was a personality in the community which people looked up to? DDK, what are even the requirements to be a GM? Once again, personality in the community seems to be key. MikeHD, didn't work out with Envy, friend of Sean and DDK, there's your job. Will it work out? Maybe? There's nothing to point to but failures of the past.

It just seems to be a roll of the dice with the selections. If they win, it was definitely the coaches. If they lose, let's play the +/- game. It's a weird perception that the community has.

To tie this back into SEN, there's not going to be a silver bullet. The reality of the situation is that SEN probably had practice around a certain playstyle that worked well at the top level. Other teams got used to the playstyle and were able to develop their own and move passed SEN. TenZ peaked at the "entry-jet" era of Valorant. SEN fell into a hybrid between 100T and Envy. Whoever the coach ends up being, I don't envy them at all. Either way it's going to be an exhausting journey which they will likely find themselves out of a job in 4-6 months.

didn't read

1mBor3d [#20]

they got a coach like 1 or 2 days before their V1 match when they struck out, just hasn't been announced yet but they have one now

huh who was the coach

1mBor3d [#20]

they got a coach like 1 or 2 days before their V1 match when they struck out, just hasn't been announced yet but they have one now

if it was KEZ, he is the manager so they don't have a coach

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