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Registered: December 6, 2020
Last post: February 15, 2024 at 7:31 PM
Posts: 143
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Ok. I'm the deranged one coming in with the ever so famously peaceful and evenly balanced approach of "this is just wrong." Have a great day!

posted about a year ago

Also because I don't want to be like you... here's someone not trying to shill a pathetic coaching service off on us... who will explain to you again what I have said and why the data used in that terrible video is wrong:

posted about a year ago

First, you don't try to give evidence in the form of 18 minute video where you don't point to where you want me to watch to get your point.

Second, what I think you're trying to refer to is this : . The video by the way is weirdly labeling data with out providing sources to where the data is coming from. You can't just say it's from "VCT Champs." That is the least useful way to use data to back up your points. You're making a generalization based on things with wild variables. To say that "c0m is more clutch because when he dies first they are more likely to lose 75% of the time" This statement doesn't tell me anything about what side (atk/def) the data is coming from, what map the data is coming from... this data is being presented as evidence but I do not see a correlation. The video then uses a video clip from Jingg to prove this non-traded kill theory?

And then to top this off... this obvious bias piece of trash media... points to Yay as their pinnacle of comparisons? Are you okay? That was a different meta, a very clearly overpowered agent and he was on one of the best teams at the time. Do you not see an issue with that data? Do you not understand that if a team is winning their stats are positively influenced and thus if you're using it as a comparison to a losing team, the stats by definition will be worse. And hopefully you can clearly see the error in judgment there, right? If someone has a bad game... does that mean their ass? I mean the data shows us that X player is better, it must mean their terrible.

It's absolutely insane to me you are so confident in your answer. I'm literally looking at your "evidence" and it's snake oil. Go back to school please. You lack a basic understanding of not only this game but of how to use evidence to back up your arguments.

posted about a year ago

EG had a very obvious flaw, a missing duelist. If you track their performances before the introduction of Demon1 you would have Jawgemo trying to flex onto Jett. An often overlooked detail that orgs miss is the mentality of the player. They try to attribute player success to "team dynamics" but outside of the feel goodies, it doesn't amount to much. I can be the most willing player in the world but if there is something I don't do naturally, it will always be a struggle for me over someone who embodies the idea.

A natural Jett player is someone who dives first, thinks later. There's a lot more behind this such as team support but truly if you don't have a player who isn't willing to do that even when it's a bad idea, your team will struggle. You see the same behavior from Cyrocell on 100T. It's deceiving when you look at stat lines or highlight plays. But Cyro does not have this mentality. If you put Cyro in Demon1's shoes on EG then you would have the same results they had with BcJ. And once again to emphasize it has nothing to do with their individual skill. Each player, Cyro, BcJ and Demon1 are amazing in their respective talents. But the difference is that Demon1 is willing to dive without regard to himself. No cautious playing. All in.

And as much as I respect Potter, the change was screaming at her. The first introduction of Demon1 you had the equivalent of BcJ but it allowed personalities to flex on to different roles. And they didn't find perfect fits at first. But the fragging potential of Demon1 and it not being tied to an agent opened these possibilities up for Potter. Through some trial and error they found some pieces that fit.

But all of these changes, if we didn't have teams lose in some sequential order, none of this happens. I hope you all realize this. This team could have been a sleeper team for this season or possibly not. The sky really did open up for this team and they just took their opportunity and ascended.

posted about a year ago

When you post brackets and a team wins and qualifies, the qualify box is not clickable. I have to click the game before to see who is on the team. QoL change, make it clickable so my lazy fat hand doesn't have to move 15 pixels back pls <3

posted about a year ago

All W opinions

posted about a year ago

I just found out if you walk away from it and rotate, the enemy falls out of it. They don't die.

Did they just decide to make the worst agent of all time? Nothing about the agent compares to any other on any level whatsoever. No attack, Mid defense... worst ult of the game. Easiest in the world to side-step.

posted about a year ago

How to tell me you're 12 through ranking a rapper.

posted about a year ago

That's not how it works. You are not a robot. You have variation in waves when it comes to performance. No one has consistently hits high scores. It's usually a process of sort of what you're talking about. You hit a level, you do worse immediately after, you build and hopefully you hit the next level. But the idea that there is stagnation, is a myth. When it comes to aim training and you have hit some sort of limit and others have far surpassed you, it's a knowledge gap not a skill gap.

So for example, take your favorite aim tracker map. You've probably played it a couple hundred times. Hopefully by the 100th time you've noticed some sort of pattern in the way the bot moves. The only difference between you and the number 1 person is that the number 1 person knows exactly how that bot moves. Doesn't just sorta know or has sort of recognized it. He knows exactly how the bot moves. And only through that knowledge can the person then apply the mechanics. Applying mechanics with no theory is like shooting in the dark. Some people hit the target and a vast majority do not.

Knowing exactly how the bot moves will give you higher scores in your tracker scenario. But that's all it's going to do for you.

So all that to give you this answer. If you play a scenario and your score is in the bottom 50% then you need to go to the first place scenario and compare settings. Does the high score have a different FOV? Is their sensitivity significantly lower or higher than mine?

If the FOV is different, that's easy, change the FOV.

If the sensitivity is different, you can't just jump to sensitivity. You're going to want to build your way up or down.

So that strategy works for tracking.

When it comes to static, FOV is very important. In order to get high levels of improvement in your score, you need to increase the volume of targets you hit with minimal time in between. If a static revolves around small targets, increasing the fov allows for a greater surface area on the edges so there is more space to hit the target and allows you to be a bit sloppier with higher accuracy.

I hope by this point you're starting to understand that there are a lot of levers to pull in order to change the scenario's environment to better suit yourself.

Last point, when you start to get to angelic and the super high end scores, you're going to need to learn to really push yourself to be quicker. And the process is almost like ripping apart your muscle memory to adjust. Then you just try to be consistent with your speed at the higher level and you will slowly creep up.

posted about a year ago

You have to understand that if you're going for records and not improvement in Valorant, then it is okay to switch sensitivities to achieve higher scores. For example, in order to hit GM in Aimlabs, I had to adjust my sensitivity to a higher sens because to play Valorant I'm on low sens. And if that doesn't work change your FOV or idk... read the voltaic guide.

posted about a year ago

Thanks : ) Big fan of both.

posted about a year ago

Biggie understood flow. However the direction of his short career was driven by Diddy who was trying to prove he could make it on his own and didn't need Andre Harrell. The only way to do that was through commercial success. I ultimately blame Diddy for Biggie's death. Diddy has control of the PR and song releases for Bad Boy. When they released "Who Shot Ya?" ... that was it.

2pac was a poet. You're not going to find the same level of popular music. 2pac was notoriously bad at picking beats. This is why when he linked up with Death Row and the talent that was being nurtured there is when he exploded. But 2pac, like big, found the wrong role model.

When you're comparing to the two, you run into the same issues you have when you're comparing Kobe vs. LeBron. The expression of basketball for each player is different. You're not going to stop LeBron if he wants to go to the rim. Just like you're not going to stop Kobe if he's going to the top of the key for the game winner.

Which ever you identify with is likely the person you think is better. If you're more interested in popular music and just want to have a good time, Notorious B.I.G is for you. You can get the same stuff from 2pac but if you want a deeper perspective and possibly the earliest conscious rapper, 2pac is for you.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Four stars and a 100T flair but giving life advice. hm.

posted about a year ago

You can do everything right in life and still end up a f ucking loser. <3

posted about a year ago

Can someone explain to me his strategic depth argument? He had the schedule he asked for last season... he did poorly.

posted about a year ago

Country: Canada
Registered: January 17, 2024
Last post: January 17, 2024 at 6:18 PM
Posts: 1
Birthday: March 13, 2015 at 4:59AM

posted about a year ago

People played some games. Riot made some changes. None of this probably affects you going 0-12 in your ranked games.

posted about a year ago

I love the cheating deniers.

They just live in this different world where the only cheaters are those who spin around in circles and get 5 headshots. Anyone outside this group cannot be charged until a voluntary confession from the suspect is offered.

posted about a year ago

On? Under* ... pretending like these players are not 6 feet deep in the Valorant graveyard.

posted about a year ago

Also it's not... "Throw him on any initiator" ... it's showing him where his playstyle matches up with the role.

posted about a year ago

Cryo is an initiator not a duelist. He lacks the killer instinct to dive in at whatever cost. He's calculated. Cryo will continue to have peaks and valleys and it will look like inconsistency. When at the end of the day, what it really is, he's an initiator.

posted about a year ago

No offense and I mean this in the nicest way because I respect Shahz's career but if his streams are any indication of how he has been practicing or performing in scrims? He's got soooooo lazy. That's the only way I can describe it. Walk clears angles, sprays into smokes with vandals and just a total disregard for positioning... snap out of it. Try.

posted about a year ago

Pros need a break... A break means streaming and grinding the game 12 hours a day still to stay competitive.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

What does this even mean bro

posted about a year ago

How come devs think that when you have a good player and a bunch of bad players that some how adding the good player to the bad players is balance?

posted about a year ago

lol... as much as you wanna shit talk fns... we aren't in short supply of riflers are we? what about igls? this dude could have a job for life in this scene.

posted about a year ago

I'm sorry it happened to you. It won't be your last shot. I think men are taught at a young age through media that we need to find the one. Where we fuck up is that we think finding the one is a mental game. In reality it's an experience game.

If you're a basketball fan or can relate to basketball, what's the quickest way to score after you miss your shot? Use those answers as your milestones to your next girl.

posted about a year ago

Ayo Mr. Foreshadowing! Please, not on Christmas.

posted about a year ago

I don't know if you heard that NRG announced their team. Since this is the latest news in absolutely dry news cycle there is no chance we are over hyping it. Brains have exploded due to the uncontrollable excitement. The world is in anarchy as the obvious best team in the world has been announced. Please stay tuned at 10pm when we release another announcement and repeat the same fake dopamine treasure hunt reveal.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Stepping on ants is evil. Slaughtering for food and then throwing half of all food into the trash is evil. Evil is a moral determination. You can't use something with a sliding scale.

posted about a year ago

These terms mean nothing. A person who is a hero to one side is a villain to the other and vice versa.

Jedi want order and what they perceive as peace. A Sith could simply argue these are just suppressions of emotion and emotions are what make us beings. In a system of peace, who decides winners and losers? What happens to the losers? In a system with winners and losers, no matter the size of the loss/gain, feelings of discontent will sow. Over time it is very easy to indoctrinate people and allow it to fester. Are these people villains? Indoctrinated people who don't understand what they are fighting? idk... life is complex.

posted about a year ago

highlight clips

posted about a year ago

How come stewie wasn't good enough to play in valorant?

posted about a year ago

People often fuck up sayings and then use them as gospel. For example, "kills don't matter." This saying started as a reaction to pro players not top fragging in games and catching flack as a bad player. A tradition that continues to this day.


The reason "kills don't matter" is because in pro play you make sacrifices for the betterment of the team. In ranked, everyone is playing for themselves. Stop using this saying, you're just a bad player.

posted about a year ago

How come when you approach a person and offer a rational conversation, it always ends up going bad?

Acceptable answers: You get no bitches, nerd, skill issue and more...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I've never seen evidence of this "insane op" and I've literally been reviewing all of 100T games for a project. It's vapor. It's caster brain being transferred to you.

posted about a year ago

Cryo is not an insane op'er. Cryo is following the footsteps of Hiko. You think Sideshow's evaluation of TenZ was bad, anyone looks at Cryo for more than a match while the observer is swapping between people, you will discover a treasure trove of just mistakes and bad plays.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Do you get social credits for this post OP?

posted about a year ago

Go back, see how many games I've played, and say its a smurf again. i dare u.

posted about a year ago

Just dropped 37 to derank to d2, AMA! :)

posted about a year ago

Honestly fielding open try-outs isn't the worst idea. Grabbing ranked heroes doesn't seem to do well.

posted about a year ago
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