- T1 - they did drop a map to zeta but still the top dog apac as of now
- DRX - their double duelist comps are good, could probably have the highest ceiling in apac right now
- TLN - the new roster looks good even though they're still not on the same page all the time. They could probably have three raid boss with primmie, killua, and thyy
- NS - cant really put them here because the middle of apac is so stacked, i feel like their playstyle have a ceiling and could probably be in trouble while matching more fundamentally sound team like T1 and DRX
- BOOM - Dos9 and famouz is so fkin great, i feel they could do damage but I feel they're still 1 piece away from being one of the top dogs of apac
- PRX - I feel they finally found the right roles for this team for now, Still need to fix their comps because its so attack sided
- GE - hard to put them higher since they only beat DFM but I think they got some shooters on the team, papi and udotan is still not on their usual level during the first match but they still looked good. Need to see more from them.
- RRQ - I feel they have the highest highs in the mid table of apac, but still so inconsistent from map to map.
- GENG - with this roster I would rank them right here, they dont look coordinated at all usually opting from hero plays. I still believe that they can move at the top of the ladder but for now they're here(i dont feel like putting them here but it is what it is).
- TS - time to rebuild the roster man, get JA and Xavi too atleast able to have atleast put up a fight against the top dogs
- ZETA - I would put them higher against TS but I feel like they would lose against TS. Just get meiy and caedye at this point.
- DFM - What can I say at this point man, #freemeiy, they somehow looks worse than kickoff