I'll never understand how pro Valorant players just... miss shots. I feel like there has to be pools of pro players (like me) who can just click on their heads and hit every shot with 100% accuracy, just seems so SILLY.
NO! I had a fucking jump pad that I could’ve used, man. Those kids were so fucking bad, dude. I’m so fucking done, dude. I'm done with this game, man. It's (the?) fucking bad, dude. It's so bad, man. Are you kidding me? Da- I couldn't build because of the stupid fucking crate, dude? The metal crate, are you kidding me, dude? Fucking, Epic Games has no idea what they're fucking doing, dude. I'm gonna fucking fly out there to the headquarters to show them how to fucking build, okay? If I'm- Why can't metal break metal? Like, what? (stuttering) Is this IRL? It's a fucking video game. Okay? I should be able to fucking build wherever I fucking want.