How good was it?
I overslept the game :(
it was really good especially his waylay its probably the best we've seen
was his Waylay really that good?
It was more of a forsaken diff.
wasn't particularly good but probably the best anyone has played her.
yes the use of the tp was very intelligent he was playing exactly how you would want someone to play the agent plus f0rsaken aim it was very nice to watch. if his teams utility was better he would have farmed crazy hard.
ok chill buddy
im not even a prx fan it was just really good
forsaken had 8/18 fkfd bro
his teams utility bro
no bro he just got hard diffed by hyunmin
No his team utility is missed a lot
nah D4v41 had a shit series, Something / Jing trolled util regularly as usual, definitely not "just hard diffed" lmao
jaw primmie KK clear
PRX Something needs to play Duelist for PRX to strive. Too bad it will never happen anymore.
something is useless ngl most overhyped russian player i have ever seen he needs to be benched alongside jinggg soon ngl
He's only useless as initiator. Waste of talent. Keep him on Duelist only.
even on duelist he is useless just a 1 trick jett forsaken way better
Carried on icebox
He needs to play yoru like most maps. It's so strong rn.