I don't understand why people are considering FNS the sole reason for dropping Verno. It's nowhere discussed or stated by anyone. We don't even know exact reason apart from some rough idea that team chemistry was not there.
it's just the most logical possibility as a bystander that knows nothing about the internal workings of the team
fns very clearly has had the keys to this roster ever since he came back last year, even more so this year since it's his last, so when a player gets kicked (especially with rumours of personality clash), you're going to look to not only the igl, but the person who apparently has the most input regarding roster moves
FNS just wants a team of yes-men for his final year, which is kind of valid (if he doesnt want to win)
in his own interview with pedro romero, he admits he just tells mikes what to do, and that brawk is a sponge lmao. if you compare his interviews with verno's, verno actually talks about things like the changing meta, looking at role changes of other teams, etc. while fns sounds like he's reciting some common core rubric on classroom learning environment. just two completely different heads for approaching the game, prac must have been dreadful for those guys
and then post C9 loss FNS blames the loss on mechanics and clutching? When on paper this nrg roster has some of the strongest individuals in americas... he even says he felt Happy after the loss because of the good team chem. i feel sick what happened to my old goat
It is very clear something is fishy was going on over NRG and it had something to do with FNS why would you drop your coach in very start of the season not every other team does this shit and if the player was not working they could have already fixed the problem way before the season started rather making him play in kickoff and then creating hatred towards a young talent