I feel like NA has too many great duelists and controllers but not sentinels.
off the top of my head, great senti players in t1 are leaf, tex, ?
these duelist players need to suck it up and insta lock vyse
michaelisupset [#3]until zekken starts locking killjoy I am going to be up in arms
I think the main reason for a lack of NA sentinels is that for a while most igls were sentinels. Same reason EMEA kind of lacks cracked controllers, since a lot of their igls are controllers.
column1 [#6]I think the main reason for a lack of NA sentinels is that for a while most igls were sentinels. Same reason EMEA kind of lacks cracked controllers, since a lot of their igls are controllers.
yea but a lot of these senti igls are starting to play a lot of initiator. ex. boostio, john, fns
michaelisupset [#9]yea but a lot of these senti igls are starting to play a lot of initiator. ex. boostio, john, fns
which frankly looks more and more like a mistake with every roster that does it
H3ENnZ [#11]that says smth (no hates to net)
i mean net is probably equal to or slightly worse than nats
I think its mostly because of the duelist -> sentinel pipeline that was so great in 2024.
EG - Currently investing into the pipeline with yay (idk that he played chamber in 2023 that was 2 years ago and basically not a senti)
G2 - Invested into it with leaf and it paid off
LEV(i count them as NA) - Invested into it with tex and paid off
100T - Just hate senti for some reason. Thought they were gonna invest into it with cryo based on offseason but guess not
SEN - Zellshits, but did consider it with N4rrate based on offseason but did not give it enough time to develop (not saying if it was right or not)
NRG - Considered a form of it with verno instead, so fns could go flash init with the gang, but then yk what happened :/
2 invested into it and it paid off (LEV G2)
1 is currently investing into it (EG)
3 tried it but gave up (SEN 100T NRG)
Literally every single team has tried it out (except c9), but only half really stuck with it. Other regions did consider this but clearly not the extent NA did. Probably part of it is because how duelist heavy NA is, and also how much potential the pipeline has.
Huitzilopochtli [#21]there are insane T2 Sentis in NA and they still keep recycling the same guys, look at players like Bao
bao, moobs, paincakes, theif. all super good