What were the best and worse roster moves as of now, right before stage 1 to you guys?
peetherium [#3]best for cn is FPX getting Shr1mp
worst is TEC getting Luke and coco
Im still looking forward to more Shr1mp's perfromances
Frogger0_0 [#4]VITALITY WORST
Sayonara is a good pickup imo, i dont know about the other guy. Trexx is one of the best sovas i know, just have to wait and see.
NekoNekoNeko [#7]Im still looking forward to more Shr1mp's perfromances
can't wait to see how he does against higher caliber teams. from an eye test he's not bad at all
NekoNekoNeko [#8]Sayonara is a good pickup imo, i dont know about the other guy. Trexx is one of the best sovas i know, just have to wait and see.
yeah sayonara is a great pick up but thats for 2026, in terms of trexx i cant believe they got rid of him, im sincerely praying on vitality's downfall even though I love less and derke but how could they do that to him, didn't even perform that badly in bangkok????
peetherium [#3]best for cn is FPX getting Shr1mp
worst is TEC getting Luke and coco
i mean tec would be worse with b1ack and dynamite so idrk
Alint [#14]yeah sayonara is a great pick up but thats for 2026, in terms of trexx i cant believe they got rid of him, im sincerely praying on vitality's downfall even though I love less and derke but how could they do that to him, didn't even perform that badly in bangkok????
internal issue . it was basically sayf vs trexx in the way they wanted the game to go. different ideals bcos theyre both perfectionist. but man id take trexxs version over sayf. their game on haven was shambolic. the guy they picked up has played sova once i dont get it lmao
z12 [#15]i mean tec would be worse with b1ack and dynamite so idrk
coco's a slight upgrade. luke's a sidegrade. the roster in no way was improved enough in terms of firepower to be at level footing with the rest of the region
penpen [#17]internal issue . it was basically sayf vs trexx in the way they wanted the game to go. different ideals bcos theyre both perfectionist. but man id take trexxs version over sayf. their game on haven was shambolic. the guy they picked up has played sova once i dont get it lmao
Agreed, i dont like Sayf as an IGLing fragger because hes too used to play duelists. People like Derke and Less all used to have top IGLS like Boaster and Saadhak to help them unleash all their abilities and i cant imagine Sayf being able to do that while also hitting shots. Trexx leaving due so internal issues may lead to the dropping of Sayf and possibly the downfall of the "super" team.
penpen [#17]internal issue . it was basically sayf vs trexx in the way they wanted the game to go. different ideals bcos theyre both perfectionist. but man id take trexxs version over sayf. their game on haven was shambolic. the guy they picked up has played sova once i dont get it lmao
the only thing that would make sense is if sayf wants to pick up sova and new guy takes over his old role or they just wanna go tejo + breach on most maps
soonwookong [#20]the only thing that would make sense is if sayf wants to pick up sova and new guy takes over his old role or they just wanna go tejo + breach on most maps
they were better off getting a new igl so he doesnt bottom frag and have bad calling and bench kicks instead sad but yea
z12 [#15]i mean tec would be worse with b1ack and dynamite so idrk
b1ack did well wdym, coco looks like hes disabled on initiator, at least b1ack did the ace clutch on abyss, showing his amazing potential, kicking abo would be the real solution bro is dogshit on basically every role
peetherium [#3]best for cn is FPX getting Shr1mp
worst is TEC getting Luke and coco
damn fpx got karrigan sheesh
NekoNekoNeko [#5]Do we know what is the replacement for Ban and Gorv yet?
soonwookong [#20]the only thing that would make sense is if sayf wants to pick up sova and new guy takes over his old role or they just wanna go tejo + breach on most maps
true that would make the most sense but still i just find that absolutely stupid from them tho. i get team chemistry is really important and having the same goals is too but trexx is generational talent like cmon. just watching their voice comms was funny tho knowing that trexx is gone. there was a disagreement on lotus