thoughts on the talent overall? in CN you have Autumn, Swerl, and Maple all playing at a high to near top levels of CN. makes me feel that OCE isn't necessarily as hopeless as people make it seem
burritx [#2]literally no one is calling OCE hopeless what
they just have no support from riot whatsoever
apologies for not being clear but that's what I mean. i'm not saying the playerbase is terrible but that they're FUCKED from the start, but I feel like one team getting a good break is all they need to get a lineup into tier 1 with how raw the talent is over there regardless of RIOT region support
good players with no opportunities lmao. trials are impossible unless players actually fly out (eg autumn legit flew to shanghai to trial for fpx), and no one really pays attention unfortunately. the only few oce players have literally been doing well, especially autumn who wasn't even the goat of oce, he was just a decent player
there is lots of talent... watched it for years. many variables affecting our potential but imports do play really well. hopefully this year our ascension team can make a good run... but yeah we have seen great runs from bonkers in 2023 ascension or order in 2022 lcq and maple, pl1xx, swerl, signed, minimise, autumn, tixx as imports so yeah the talent is there
we have talented players but honestly we just get fucked geographically. Players have to cough up money from there own pocket just to have a chance to try out/trial for t1/t2 teams. It's annoying because I know if teams actually took the chance on these players they would dominate (autumn for example wasn't even that great in OCE) can't blame the teams tho, just a sucky situation (ALSO FUCK LPL WHERE IS SPLIT 1!!!!!)
burritx [#2]literally no one is calling OCE hopeless what
they just have no support from riot whatsoever
What ? Is they are anyone in val that have any hope to see a T2 OCE team going to T1 ???