Do yall think they will do good? I know they are great individual aimers but I dont think these comps will succeed with top tier 2 teams around americas (they arent doing too bad in playoffs against top NA teams but just a thought)
Galactic_Saucepan [#4]I hope they don't- they would lose both cane and ion2x if they ascend they would literally do worse than 2G in tier 1 next year
i assume they would get jerrwin/kaoticcc/alym and sacred/moose if they ascend to fill those roles which isnt bad at all
chrlxz [#5]i assume they would get jerrwin/kaoticcc/alym and sacred/moose if they ascend to fill those roles which isnt bad at all
jerrwin and sacred are going to ge to create the first indian dynasty
chrlxz [#5]i assume they would get jerrwin/kaoticcc/alym and sacred/moose if they ascend to fill those roles which isnt bad at all
Yeah but they'd struggle against t1 with this team as it is now. They would literally need alfajer and karon to replace those two to be able to balance out the inexperience of the other 3.
chrlxz [#2]yeah they will if eggster locks back in they are the best team
but what if the yoru meta shifted away? that means he would have to get on flash init
Ofc they could continue with their rank comps but i dont se them making any further outside of challengers