fleecedd [#21]
That's like suggesting Riot hosting a tournament in Bangkok makes them a subsidiary of the Thai government?
This makes no sense whatsoever lmao.
The issue with it being funded by the Saudi government is that its active sports washing, its them using their oil money (which a lot of the people employed in this sector are on dodgy visas allowing the government to effectively hold them hostage in the country till they complete their work), to paint themselves as saints in the eyes of the world.
MBS knows that oil will eventually run out, and wants to diversify the economy, if he had ACTUALLY wanted to reform the country and build a bright new future, hell yeah, let the Saudis pump as much as they want into it, money for change is good! But thats not what happening, the Saudi regime has become more repressive, and is still executing 100s of people every year.
All this to say, the EWC formats fucking sucked last year, viewership was really low compared to other events in each game, and the overall formats were just really trashy, and incentivised teams to just sign as many mediocre rosters in as many games as possible. And oh yeah, Team Falcons, a team with previous ties to the Saudi PIF, were the overall winners.
That's like suggesting Riot hosting a tournament in Bangkok makes them a subsidiary of the Thai government?>
No, this is just me saying that the problem isn't the country directly financing the tournament, its that you have a problem with the country. It would not be adressed by having the danish Blast hold it in Saudi Arabia through a series incentives.
Ppl like Sideshow, that you mentioned, just use this argument to excuse themselves of facing the hypocrisy of saying that while working in the U.S. And when he refused to go to the Shanghai masters it was straight sinophobic imo.
Closest example I can give is CS, we are getting this year a IEM Major in Dallas, Intel get a shit ton of money/benefits from the US government, gonna host it in US Soil, and yet it would not get criticized, even if it was a Valorant tournament, because they hold the narrative, so they can't be accused of sportswashing.
ps: this not directly at you, as you demonstrated that you dont fuck with the us either