just read all 410 chapters and i don't get why it's rated so highly.
the succession contest arc was a chore to read. 90% of the page is walls of text. people brag and say this means HxH has good writing but it's honestly the opposite, since Togashi is failing as a writer to make his story clear and digestable. it's like writing 20 pages when your professor asked for a 2 page essay. the art is nothing to ride home about either despite most of the page being text.
there are also way too many characters and its killing the pacing. Togashi feels the need to give us every character's perspective, no matter how minor they are, making us track like +100 characters all at once. its impossible to follow and i don't care for 90% of the characters. like do we really need to spend 2 chapters on like the 4th prince's 6th guard's pov? the chimera ant arc had this same issue but at least the dynamic between ant and human nature made even the side characters interesting.
final rating of each arc:
hunter exam: 7/10
heavens arena: 7/10
yorknew city: 9/10
greed island: 4/10
chimera ant: 10/10
13th chairman: 6/10
succession contest: 2/10
expected a 10/10 manga but overall it was like a 7/10 for me